
480p is the highest I ever watch on mobile because I don’t want to eat through my data too quickly. 480 is also a perfectly reasonable compromise in exchange for getting unlimited streaming, it’s not HD but it’s regular SD which used to be normal, it’s not like they’re trying to make you watch stuff in 144p (which for

Exactly. Money is a tool, and if you never use any of it, what’s the point of saving it? A month or two ago, the new Nexus phones came out. I couldn’t possibly justify the purchase, I had a one year old Moto X 2nd gen still in great condition. But I was drooling. And then rumors that the Verizon version of the Moto X

Oh I see, I wasn’t thinking about devs needing to implement custom tabs. That makes sense. I know often apps can be slow to update and include new features like this, so great idea with Chromer!

I use Feedly for RSS and it doesn’t suffer from this issue. You can set it to automatically open everything (or just specific feeds) in an external browser. They also let you choose between fully switching apps and launching your default browser (Chrome or otherwise), or using Chrome custom tabs (a native feature of

I’m confused. Chrome custom tabs are a part of Android and Chrome already. And within these, you have access to stored passwords and whatnot as mentioned above. So what does this app actually do that’s different than the native Chrome custom tabs that I already experience?

I’m not sure if that’s meant as a disagreement or agreement?

A quick search shows that you can find 2.5” drives of 1 or 2 TB for only $20-$30 more than a 3.5” drive of the same capacity. So yes the 3.5” drive is cheaper, but then you spend an extra $40 for this accessory and now in total you’ve actually spent MORE money. Plus, the PS4 looks way better without this lump on it if

It’s unfortunate that this is happening. Microsoft has an opportunity here to get a huge advantage over Android: separate the OS and hardware the way it is with PCs. Make Windows 10 available, anyone can just immediately download the update on whatever windows device they have. The way Android is ties to specific

I know windows defender used to be great, but it has since then become not as good as others. But when you say its “not sufficient”, is it really that significantly worse than the competition now?

Highjacking your email without your consent in an effort to spread itself to your contacts, is what a virus does. Coupled with all the annoying pop-ups and sounds that you already recommended disabling, there’s only one conclusion here.

Type c, good because we need that in as many flagship phones as possible to push adoption forward.

My old phone, a second gen Moto X, was also 1080p AMOLED display with a snapdragon 801 processor. It had an even smaller 2300 mAh battery. And it could get through a day with moderate use, though I certainly was able to drain the battery on heavier use days. Should manufacturers work on putting bigger batteries in

“concerningly small 2,525mAh battery”

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to turn on two factor authentication on LinkedIn 😁

Aw, unfortunate. Currently I have a 10gb “Loyalty Bonus”. This is from quite a while ago, SkyDrive (as it ws known at the time) had 25gb of free storage, then they changed it to 7gb but you kept the 25gb if you were an existing customer. Then they brought it up to 15gb, but you got to still keep the grandfathered in

The package was delivered today, it should be sitting at home waiting for me. This post is probably the last kinja post I’ll type on my old phone. I can’t wait!

I believe if you had a sim card already in use, you could pop it in a new Moto X and it would work just fine on Verizon. The issue was if you were a new Verizon customer, with a new sim card that had never been used. When activating the sim card, Verizon checks to make sure its in a Verizon phone. Since technically

Yeah, I’m glad they’re joining Google and making the new Moto X have just the one model that works across all carriers. I understand not dealing with the carriers, it just sucks for people like me with the Verizon version from last year. At the very least, I wish they would just publicly explain, apologize, and make a

Had a great laugh back in sixth grade, when a friend of mine said “Shit” right in front of a teacher. She tried to cover it up by saying “mushrooms”, but skipped the “take”. So all she said was “shit mushrooms”

I’m so glad the market is headed this way. I ordered a Nexus 6P direct from Google.