
Good. I always thought it was kind of silly that Chrome OS even exists. Back when they first created it, they should have just put that dev time into making proper multi-window support for Android, and just made AndroidBooks. There’s already a buried almost kind of multi-window thing in Marshmallow, I wouldn’t be

other times, knowing evil means knowing how to beat it.”

Fingers crossed that cloud saves includes virtual console games and that will sync and work across multiple platforms.

Digital purchases are linked to your account, not the console. My roommate lost his 3DS, and was able to redownload everything on his replacement.

That’s a somewhat valid point. However, things like that are always biased by whoever is picking the clips. Would be nice to have access to the raw debate.

Because it would make too much sense if presidential debates were easily available for all to see.

I’m not really sure how that’s a problem. It doesn’t cost anything to do that, and it’s just as easy to un-subscribe if you end up not liking it.

Honestly, I have no idea. I think I might have read someone complaining in a review that you couldn’t, but I’ve never tried to myself so I’m not sure.

This could be cool, but Pocket Casts is by far the best third-party app on my phone. Worth every cent of the couple dollars I paid for it. So I kind of feel bad that there’s a decent chance I’ll end up abandoning it once this comes out, just for the convenience (I subscribe to Play Music All Access and already use the

Age 22, fresh out of college, when I started my first “real” job. They had a 401(k) with a match (one third of up to 6%), so of course I participated, that’s free money! Also, they had an excellent policy where everyone is automatically enrolled at 6%, just enough for the full match, so it took zero effort to get

I won’t deny that there are relatively simple solutions. Hell I believe you that just removing that cap, all by itself, will fix it before I even click that link. But “simple” does not mean congress will actually do it... My confidence in them to do their jobs just keeps going down.

The titke of the article feels better worded than certain peices of the text. To call it “exceptions” there have to places where the original rule still applies. It feels like their aren’t any. This is not good.

With chip and pin, which I think is what you have, they can’t. But here in the US with swipe and sign, they leave with your card. They can swipe it off in the back at their register, then bring you the receipt to sign. It’s incredibly stupid.

Android Pay is the same.

Apple pay and Android Pay work on iPhones and Android, so we need both. Samsung actually adds something useful, at least in theory, with the magnetic strip thing.

I mostly agree. My experience so far has been that the gameplay can be quite fun (when it works) but everything else about the game is lacking. There aren’t really “collectables” like most Zelda games, just semi-random items at the end of level. No upgrades of any kind to items or health or anything, just costumes

I agree. And 401(k)s are great because of the way they give a lot of people and easy way to get started.

Haha oh man, I forgot about the DST issues. That’s just hilarious to me that that has remained an issue. The change is this weekend, so everyone be careful!

Why would you have it install an OS update and assume it would still wake you up in the morning? There are a million reasons it might not work reliably. I never use my phone as an alarm, but if I did, I would set a different alarm if I was going to let my phone update overnight.

I don’t disagree. But the average consumer is uninformed, sees that $650 price and uses that to decide he/she wants an iPhone. Then at the last minute realizes they need to spend an extra $100, but they had already picked iPhone based on the $650 price and very few will actually go back and reconsider at this point.