
I remember a lot of drama about this a while ago, there was definitely a point in the past when that was true. They must have gotten rid of that rule though, cause I know some other services do the same thing. Hulu costs more if you buy it through Apple like that.

I hate their stupid extra emoji. It’s terrible for all non-Apple users. If we received them as some sort of error symbol or something, it would be fine. But we don’t. I get random different emoji whenever my sister uses the special Apple emoji. So I have no way of knowing if the emoji I’m seeing are what she actually

Not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I’m excited. I already pay for and LOVE Google music, so I effectively get this for free, and it sounds pretty sweet. However, there are a couple reasons I kind of wish it was separate:

My thoughts exactly. I would have thought they would want to avoid the association and find a different name.

I’m thinking, and based on this review I bet you’d agree, that the Surface 4 (assuming one eventually comes out) and the Surface Book are the real heroes here. Surface 4 can compete with iPad, even iPad Pro, while being cheaper and still capable of more due to running full Windows, while of course not being capable of

I’m confused. So you’re saying it charges over USB, and it has USB Type C port(s), but that’s not the port it uses for charging? Using a 3.0 port for charging might have been cool last year, but if they’re putting a type-c port on the thing anyway, why is that not the charger?

Agreed, though I think how many are “on the road” vs how many stolen would be even better.

That’s a somewhat valid point, but I think context is important. Her “racist” comment was used to emphasise her journalistic point about the issue of the episode.

It sounds like this show has decided who it’s audiance should be: old racist white people who don’t understand technology. When they focus on the technology side, it’s hilarious to people outside their audiance, such as Gizmodo readers. But when it gets more political... It’s just scary.

There are enough problems with this infographic that I simply can’t trust any of it. Which is a shame, cause this would be great information to have in a sharable format like this.

Feature for a 6.1 update to be released in a couple months when the Pixel C comes out, perhaps?

That’s possible, but seems unlikely for two reasons.

“3DS line of handhelds is due for a major generational advance.”

It just got Lollipop this week? That’s ridiculous! It’s like Motorola doesn’t understand that a big reason why a lot of people loved their Moto X line was because they were the closest thing to Nexus devices.

I wasn’t being serious. But it is frustrating that I have to pay money in now to support others when I may not get the same support back when I’m older. Obviously ideally I’d like them to make adjustments to the system and find ways to sustain it long term so everyone can benefit from it.

LG is going to steal a bunch of the andgry Motorola customers. My ONE YEAR old FLAGSHIP device is rumored to not be getting Marshmallow (Verizon Moto X 2nd gen). Near stock and fast updates were a huge selling point, and they’ve pissed off a ton of customers with their list of phones to be updated. Good on LG for

Still no update on my Nexus 7 2013 either. I hate that they roll out updates like this, it’s so frustrating. Just release it for everybody.

In general, I hate the music industry as much as the next guy. But in this case, I gotta side with them (I’m against popcorn time as well). This is a service promoting blatent stealing of music, so they have every right to try and stop it.

The average near retirement household has only 14.5k? That’s kind of scary. That’ll get them through what, 1 year of retirement?

Yeah it’s really frustrating. I almost wish it would just fully collapse now, so if I’m not going to benefit from it then I could stop paying taxes on it and have more money to save in my own retirement account.