
If you get paid bi-weekly, sometimes that solves it for you. December is a three paycheck month for me, so I’ll use the extra check for holiday expenses, and then the put the rest of it in my savings.

I’m confused. Didn’t we already solve this with the automatic?

Excellent! There are a bunch of videos that are all marked with the date I uploaded them to Google Photos, even though they’re from years ago. My old phone I guess didn’t put timestamps on videos. Now I can fix this!

Yeah, sliding into the wall would be ideal. We had some doors that did that in the house I grew up in, it was really convenient.

I have sliding doors on my current closet and I hate them. I would gladly take bi fold doors in a heartbeat.

I would have agreed with you, however as a calculus problem its actually pretty easy. The description of the scenario is a little odd, but it’s also irrelevant. You just need to minimize the time, and they give you the formula for time, doesn’t actually matter what scenario the formula applies to.

Part (a) isn’t too hard. Set X = 20, solve. Set X = 0, solve.

I have old epipens I need to get rid off. My pharmacy won’t take them, I don’t think trash or toilet is good for these... They’re a lot harder to get rid of than regular meds.

I always laughed when people insisted on completely disabling the GPS on their phone, and then going into the settings and turning it on when they need to use maps. GPS has always been fine to leave on, because when it’s not being used it is off anyway. It’s not always searching for a signal the way WiFi does when

I will say the same thing here I said on the post he wrote a while ago that you mentioned. A Swiffer is not a replacement for a vaccuum. You still use that on carpet, and either that or a broom on hard floor. Then you use a swiffer, as a replacement for mild mopping. Even in a clean house, the kitchen and bathroom

Nice! Any similar awesome deals anywhere on a type c to type c cable? I know C to A is more useful right now, but eventually C to C will be king.

I think Google’s new Nexus policy is 2 years of major updates, not 18 months. Presumably this will apply to Pixel as well, now that they’re making a Pixel Android device.

Keeping up with the Dinklebergs*

I would change my password but... I don’t have one. I sign in to Patreon via Facebook. I’ll don’t fully understand how that works, is there anything I should do? Is there reason to change my FB password?

If this isn’t anti-competitive BS, then I don’t know what is.

So true. It bothers me that so many people blindly vote for their party without learning anything about the actual candidate. I tend to lean towards one party, but I still pay attention to who I’m voting for and will consider the other side too.

Agreed. The screenshots in the post capture the most dangerous kind of brand loyalty, the people exclaiming “I will only ever buy Apple”.

Interesting, and I mostly agree. But for fun, devil’s advocate time:

Wait, I thought the whole point of the OnHub router was that it could be the hub of home automation. But if the Google-ish automation protocal, Weave, requires a Nest product to act as a hub, where does that leave the OnHub? Just an expensive router that’s not particularly special in any way?

Isn’t the Moto X Pure a 5.7” phone, just like the 6P?