
I’m hoping it also includes some Android Wear related bug fixes. It seems to generally overstate how many steps I take each day by maybe 20% or so, an issue that did not exist when it was only on my watch (before a true Android app existed). I think it comes from the combination of the phone and watch both trying to

Why isn’t there a facepalm emoji? My only response to this show is a facepalm.

Still on 5.0, I’m on Verizon so who knows when I’ll get the update...

reduce our in-store water reductions

Thank you! I was starting to worry no one was going to get my joke 😁

The last point, about your own songs, is a huge one for me. Most other streaming services force you to use a separate music player for your own stuff. Being able to have it all in one place is far better.

Perhaps! Many low end phones intended for foreign markets are never released in the US though. If that is their target with this, then it still seems odd that they released it in the US.

Based on this review though, it sounds like even with just that basic stuff your dad would be happier with the G. The G is still pretty cheap, and it’s stable. It sounds like the E is constantly crashing apps and whatnot even with basic functions.

I just don’t understand why the E even exists. The X is a great high end smartphone for below average price. The G does a great job of still being a solid smartphone, at a crazy low prize. But the step down from G to E has a huge impact on usability, with a very minor impact on price. It seems like buying the E is

Usually I get really frustrated with the patent crap that goes on in tech. And I’m very much an Android guy. But I’m okay with this one. The odd thing on the back, the unique strap, the combination of crown and button, there’s plenty of legitimately unique features here. It really is quite different, physically, from

That sort of thing amazes me. If she has a PhD in soil chemistry, she must be an intelligent woman. I know it’s not related to electronics, but just being a generally intelligent person should be enough to plug stuff in. My expertise has nothing to do with soil, but I wouldn’t need her help setting up a new potted

An interesting and educational story, and I enjoyed reading it.

My mother works with computers all day. In our state, there’s a program that gives laptops to all middle school students for school work. My mother was in charge of them, handling plenty of advanced stuff setting them up, imaging them, installing printers, helping kids who were having issues. Clearly good computer

I must admit that you’re right, wii is a more Nintendo name. But that doesn’t change that I liked revolution better!

Spartan was way better. This is almost as bad as when the Revolution ended up being called the Wii.

You are correct. From the developers standpoint it’s not very open anymore. However, from the users standpoint, it’s still pretty open. With regards to what was mentioned in the opening paragraphs in the article, Android let’s you install whatever apps you want, replacing the SMS app or even the launcher. And the

True, I do really like lock button on the screen. I've never had to use it, but it's nice to know I could easily lock it if I needed to, even while I have my Smartwatch on me.

In my opinion, it’s that first couple paragraphs that matter. The rest of the article boils down to: they’re about equal. That’s not to say it was a bad article, it isn’t. But that’s the conclusion the rest of it seems to come to.

Yeah a little more control over a couple things like that would be nice. I get paid biweekly though, so my paychecks are always moving around from month to month and lining up my paychecks with my bills is just impossible anyways.

It seems strange that it could tell all that information from the accelerometer. Like how can it tell the difference between being in my pocket, and being set on a table? If I sit down, it’s just as still as on a table. Maybe it has to be laying perfectly parallel to the ground to count as a table, but then what if I