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Point 1) There have been countless studies over the years showing no evidence of a link. One study suggesting there migth be a link in one sub group of people, does not immediately discredit all the other studies. In the article you linked, he actually mentions that he still thinks everyone should be vaccinated, and

I love the Olympics in theory, all the countries getting together for some competition. But in practice, the negative effects on the city where they happen are just too extreme. It's not worth the pain it causes.

I'm allergic to peanuts, so I have to deal with a similar issue when random things occasionally contain peanut oil. I opened a fresh bag of chips once, and something tasted off when I ate one. Upon further inspection, the bag said "fried in 100% peanut oil". With that being such a common allergen, that seems like a

personally, I think YouTube is too big at this point for a move like this have much of an effect. Even with this new feature, I'd rather just upload my videos to YouTube and then post that on Facebook. And if I see a video someone else posts, I would rather it be a YouTube link, especially since on the desktop the

The default messaging app on Windows phone can pull in Hangouts and Facebook messages? That's actually pretty awesome! I had no idea. The only thing missing is iMessages, but that's Apple's fault, even if Microsoft wanted to include those Apple would never let it happen.

Same, and most importantly, those two things are conveniently in one app. SMS isn't going away anytime soon, so whatever other chat I use needs to merge with SMS, I don't want to deal with seperate apps.

Number 1 is the main reason I use this and not Spotify (that and the convenience of it being part of the Google account I already have).

It's true that the logic of "the autism theory is wrong, therefor all anti-vaccine theories are wrong" is terrible. However, the autism thing is what's most often cited by anti-vaccine advocates, so when wuzupmyhomiz is just making a short 3 sentence comment on a blog post in the Internet, not having an actual debate,

Her back collection still is, and always has been, on Google Play Music All Access. 1989 is not.

I used to play Magic, and it drove me insane when people shuffled in ways other than the riffle shuffle. Either their deck wasn't going to be shuffled well enough, or they were waiting my time because it took longer. A common method I saw that wasn't mentioned in the video, was where the deck was "delt" into piles,

And let's not forget that with HDMI cables, you should always just buy the cheapest one. It's a digital signal, so it has two states: working and not working. There's no such thing as a "better picture" from gold plating or anything like that.

I appreciate the suggestion, but you want me to pay money to someone else, so that I can make sure that CBS and the actual content creators don't get any money? No thanks.

This is why I hate PINs and love Android's patter lock. Yeah technically it's a little less secure, but it's still plenty secure to keep out things like my friend trying to snoop something. And even with a PIN, if they want it bad enough they'll find a way in. So the middle ground, the scenarios where the would be

But you don't need all of them at once. Currently I pay $16 per month for Hulu and Netflix. That has all the shows I watch, except CBS which I can watch free on their own website (though admittedly it's an awful video player with a gazillion commercials, so it's a bad experience but it's free so it's hard to

I think more people should consider their in-state public universities. I understand the desire to leave the state, but I ended up going to a public university in my state (luckily it was still a come hours away from home). Could I have gotten a better education elsewhere? Perhaps. But definitely not a better value.

A fair point. That's why I'd like to see it used for things like ATMs though, to help it become more universal. And it would certainly be easier to use than a QR code. This QR code system has the advantage though that it can be rolled out via just a software update to ATMs, whereas NFC requires new hardware.

This seems okay, but what I would rather see is ATMs using NFC and work with Google Wallet, Apple Pay, etc.

They come equally often, every ten minutes, but the problem said nothing about how the times relate to each other. One train always arrives one minute before the other. For example, if the train to Brooklyn (which he ends up on 9 out of 10 times) comes at 10:00, 10:10, 10:20, etc., then the other train arrives at

It looks like reeder is just for iOS, and I use Android. Thanks for the suggestion though!

I believe so yes. However, I'm not sure it would apply to the degree she wants. I think it's for associates and bachelors degrees, I don't think it applies to masters degrees. My suggestion would be to do a bit of research to find out if her degree would qualify.