
Haha thanks :)

Exactly, that lack of independence is a key aspect here

Thank you :)

Thank you :)

The easiest way to see this is to simply draw out all the scenarios. Let's call the door you pick Door 1.

crap, I guess I gotta go buy a Wii U...

...and enjoy 500 MB of data, 200 voice calls, and 500 texts...

That bug may have been causing some escalation of this issue, but just as important was probably the article by Adam Pash giving it a kick in popularity on the internet, and then that lawsuit forcing Apple to really acknowledge it.

I love hangouts too, but despite the fact that I have lots of Android using friends, almost no one I know uses hangouts. So I'm stuck using old fashioned SMS messages (though I do it through the Hangouts app)

Not until we have flying cars!

Autopay is wonderful. Rather than waiting until the due date, I have it pay the full balance immediately when the bill arrives, right when the period ends. This also means that since it's going to pay automatically and right away, it makes sure I never spend money I don't have (though if there was an emergency and I

Normally, there are two choices for fictional stories. They can be realistic, and the viewers get to think "wow, this could really happen!" or it can be fantasy, the viewers know it's utterly impossible but then the story can include magic and dragons. The trapped in a video game setting bridges this gap. Inside the

I agree completely, and I love that you mentioned Upworthy like 5 times. You forgot to mention posts from Change.org though, I have a friend who signs multiple petitions there a day, and shares all of them... it drives me insane. I haven't started unfriending people like you have, but I probably should.

You can. From any of the inbox tabs, you swipe to archive, and from the "all mail" view you swipe to delete.

Well obviously not literally never, but if you do proper backups and whatnot, then pretty close. And all those problems are much worse for physical media than digital. Physical media (generally) has a finite quantity that will slowly decrease over time as various people lose them, whereas digital media can easily be

Hmm.... I'm not sure if you can do something like that with Steam or Origin games. And of course doing so on a console like you suggested is incredibly limited, if it's even possible at all. In theory, digital has the advantage of making your own backups and everything, in practice is doesn't always, because of that

All valid points, you're right that if something happens to the digital media you may not be able to redownload it, but that works the other way around too. If something happens to the physical media, you can't just get a free replacement of that either. You had to get your 3DS fixed, which resulted in you losing a

I really hope he gets that patent, because it would force all these companies to stop patenting such stupid things.

Huh, I got that Four Swords thing on the 3DS a few months ago, and I knew that it was only in the store temporarily but I assumed that anyone who had already purchased it could re-download it later. That's a design flaw in Nintendo's e-shop then. I have some things on my Android phone that are no longer in the Google

Hence why I mentioned the ability to make your own backups of digital purchases, which then gives you complete control of it and you don't have to trust the company to still be there to re-download the software later.