
And Android?

This method doesn’t cost $100.

Of course this isn’t actually a tilt shift, it’s just the effect people having been calling tilt shift for the past few years. I learned how to tilt shift on large format cameras back in the 90's. The main purpose is for correcting perspective. Like a shot of a tall building with perfectly straight edges.

So many of these pilots just ignore the law outright. I’d love to capture these big events with mine but it’s illegal. I’d love to put my footage on YouTube too but I don’t have the $150 for the certification right now so I can’t.

I hope this article didn’t spoil the end of Rogue One for anyone.

A number of actors also say they’ve never seen the movies they’ve been in.

It is quite frustrating how they treat Superman in this show. They might mention him briefly on occasion but otherwise it’s like he doesn’t even exist. Sometimes they’ll go out of their way to not say his name like “my cousin” or “the guy in the cape”. It really makes no sense that these cousins would have zero

They named her in the episode she started in.

I was in high school and working at a comic book store when he died in the 90s. I remember it was all over the real news on TV and in the papers.

It should be noted that emoji are Japanese and many of them are specific to Japanese culture. Some may be confusing to people outside Japan. For example the symbol that looks something like this テ is known all over Japan as a post office or something to do with mail. But others may see the emoji of a building with

So most people in the world should be shunned?

Why not get married?

Yet another reason to avoid apple.

Wouldn't touch that torrent with a 10 foot pole.

Oh man, that software transmission is hilarious.

Neat. Shame most people can’t use it.

If the cars are smart enough though it ends up being faster because the cars are better at timing their speed and breaking than we are.

It doesn’t just look nice it melts a lot slower that’s why they use it in fancy bars so it doesn’t water down your expensive whiskey as you’re drinking it.

Can we watch it without supporting facebook?

I always felt like the Na’vi and the Avatars needed to look less human. Because the CG is too good. Unless there’s a human in the same shot the aliens / avatars just look like an actor with make up on.