
Some people use this at work and it is great for troubleshooting. Watched someone give me a tutorial on some software. He was left coast and I am on the right 

Yeah. I was really surprised not to see TeamViewer here, especially since family tech support is a big issue during the holidays.

It is based on OpenOffice. It looks much the same as it is OpenOffice at the core but a different development paths.

As an alternative to GIMP, which has a huge learning curve, let me recommend Krita. It bills itself as a digital painting program, but it’s interface is much better than GIMP’s and it is more than adequate for your average image manipulation.  In some ways I like it better than Photoshop, although Photoshop is still

And for those of you who get a laptop for the lesser tech enthusiast (a.k.a your parents), TeamViewer is a life saver to remote troubleshoot their laptop without having to comedown anytime they click something wrong.

Pffftttt. I didn’t spend countless days pirating music on dial-up Internet only to have some fancy “Institute” tell me my favourite file extension is dead.

I’m not a doctor

I took my toddler to a sing-along the other weekend where they pass around a bucket at the end for everyone to contribute. I was fishing around for cash and accidentally shot a tampon out of my wallet and onto the foot of a dad next to me. He picked it up and handed it back to me and I put it back in my wallet and

Seriously. I don’t get why guys are embarrassed to buy feminine products for their lady friends. Are they afraid that the cashier is going to suspect they have a secret vagina? The only real thing that could be inferred is that they are close enough to a member of the opposite sex that they are willing to run an

Are you an eleven year old boy? This is not how menstruation works or how women deal with it.

As a 36 year old man I never understood why guys get freaked out by that shit. Just like my girlfriend doesn’t have a problem picking up rubbers I dont have a problem picking her up tampons if she asks.

We need better sex education, demystify feminine products and the menstrual cycle and birth control beyond condoms for future generations of humanity.

Or, people could just stop feeling embarrassed by feminine products and just get over it. There is no reason that a woman should feel shame (or society make her feel shame) for using something like a tampon. People need to loosen up a little. As for this whole glue thing, I’m not a doctor, but I suspect that it is a

Also wanted to point out that the audio jack was removed on the iPhone 7. You’ll either need an adapter or buy a mic with a lightning plug.

If you’re any age and don’t use emoji in your (casual) communication, then I don’t trust you.

The whole second half of this movie, I had to keep myself from screaming ROBOTS DON’T HAVE BRAINWAVES TO READ YOU IDIOT!!!!

True, but a damn fine movie - other than the Dim Sum scene as that one was WAY too forced - and one of James Horner’s best scores.

Apple fanboi much? ‘Cause it sure reads that way, and I know you aren’t rooting for BlackBerry or Windows Phone!

Still? Never started, never will.

They would go out of business, I'd never go to a movie theatre again, it stopped being better than watching movies at home years ago.