
I liked Whittaker as the Doctor but there were too many companions. I hope in the future they keep it to one or two.

Yeah, splitting it is what the Game Gear did, but I guess things were different since people were already used to handhelds by then.

Libre is a spin off of Open Office. I personally like it better but then it's rare than I need to type documents and I almost never use the other aspects. 

7zip is definitely my go to compression app these days, especially if I need to make multiple parts. 

Libre Office gets the job done. It may not be perfect but as per the article, it’s free.

itunes is the least obvious choice. 

That crayon example reminded me, the other day I saw a girl’s dating site profile where she said she enjoys creative things like “drawling”. With an L.

I don’t know anyone who uses AAC. None of the music services I use offer it either. AAC files take up too much room.

I hope his subs donate a big middle finger.

Gets to?

So all women would be perfectly comfortable talking about their private parts in public if not for men’s feelings.

Why would they be more ashamed?

The difference I see is that a menstrual cup is entirely inside the vagina, while this is outside, meaning it could cause the blood, etc. to be pushed into the urethra. While I’m no doctor, that doesn’t sound good to me.

That’s a great idea. I actually do that with a lot of things I shop for.

Yes, I have no problem with that as long as I know what she wants.

This is different though. It’s referring to what the body would do subconsciously without any help from you.

The problem is how it seals it. It seems dangerous.

I’d be afraid eventing that’s supposed to come out would start backing up into the urethra.

Funny that they think I use facebook.

The 1986 movie was hilarious but don’t forget, that was a remake of the 1960 movie that starred Jack Nicholson.