
I’ve spent many an hour browsing the Internet Archive. Difference is that’s the actual sites and pages from back in the day. I even found ones of my old GeoCities pages.

That’s if they actually mean it.

No mention of Hackers? I’m almost embarrassed with how much I liked that when it came out.

I really liked Chappie. It had some things that doesn’t make sense but over all of was fun and great vfx.

The one near me became a hookah lounge.

What makes it a bad phone? Is not an iphone so that’s ruled out. What else could it be?

Nobody cares and apple pay.

You can use a pin

That’s not true and you know it.

You can use a pin. It even says that in the article.

I got my new chipped debit card in the mail yesterday but haven’t used it yet, not my credit card though even though it’s from the same credit union. Just to be clear, these are not the cards where you can tap to pay, right?

Tell them to switch to Google+.

Not to my news feed they won’t.

You say that like we used it in the first place.

Sorry but I dont want a sh*tty company like facebook knowing what websites I visit. Doesn’t matter what they do with the info, they have no business knowing it.

Because its not cool.

Well yeah, they track everything you do whether you’re logged in or not. Worst company out there.

If they added tab grouping I'd consider switching. Until then it’s not even on the table

Google+ will always be a better social network.

Wasn’t there a flashlight app or something that actually had an NES emulator hidden in it?