
You know the ios ui is at least 5 years old right?

My old one got replaced 3 times before the warranty ran out and hey wouldn't do it anymore. Unfortunately they only give you old refurbished ones.

Wisest decision would be a duel boot tablet with Win8 and Android. That way they get their Win8 out there but the majority of cell phone owners can use the apps they already own on the tablet. No need to start entirely from scratch with a blank slate as it were.

It's funny, I'd swear when the PS3 came out MS was so proud about how they were all games while PS3 was multimedia too.

Looks like a fortune cookie.

I heard this earlier today and I still feel like WinRT will still be able to do more than a ipad or even an Android can do, making the higher price worth it. However I'll still be looking for a full Intel Win8 tablet.

Those drips drive me crazy. I always try to shake the nozzle a bit before taking it out of my car but it always drips nonetheless. (while typing I realized how much this sounds like innuendo).

I've never been a fan of the new Lego faces. I was happy with :)

Not that you'd know, but the bike belongs to the character, Kaneda.

Playing games doesn't make one a "gamer".

Android already has this with OnLive. Apple could've had it months ago but they're holding back the app.

Not real games.

Nope, but I do love playing AAA games on my tablet via OnLive.

They're both good in their own way. Now what's horrible is this cover Starbucks plays a lot with a woman singer.

Gone With The Wind and Casablanca were classics, not to mention good movies, this one was pure rubbish.

And makes people want to despise apple even more.

Fantastic song, horrible movie.

They haven't said anything to Google about tTorrent.

And those two aren't even relevant.

Free WiFi is available all over the place.