Phillipa Marlowe

Being taught in a public school around hundreds of people and children who may or may not eat nuts is not a survival need. If this was just about survival, she wouldn't go to a public school at all. It's about balancing needs and wants of all people involved.

So why should the wants of the other kids/their parents trump this kid's right to a normal education?

I'm not sure I have anything new to add to this conversation, as it is a very complicated one. However, I'm a teacher at a supposedly nut-free school (I say supposedly because I don't think it's enforced or adhered to by nearly everyone), and it IS a big pain in the ass. I don't eat much meat, especially when I pack

The photo actually looks like an advertisement for really shitty Halloween costumes.

One week too late for me, Anna! But it all went fine, anyway. The Belgian chocolates and beers helped. (I'm in Belgium, they are in Ireland.) Though I did have a fever and was very meek and quiet on the first evening, but that might be a good thing.

Don't have much to say about the fashion, especially because I don't know who any of these people are, but the play is awesome. I saw it in Dublin last year and thought it was brilliant.

Ha! This gif just exhibited to me that my Irish bf actually resembles Colin quite a bit! Funny that.

Well, as a solidly pear-shaped lady, myself, I can tell you I'd love some legs like that. My tree-stump legs take a bit away from my tiny waist :)

Ha! Ke$ha has the same build as one of my best friends. Killer legs and boobs but absolutely no waist whatsoever.

I'm pretty sure I am an MPDG in the eyes of my bf, but I'm also pretty sure that I project all kinds of things right back on him (I spent nearly a year in a tumultuous non-relationship with him before moving out of the country, and then starting a LD serious thing with him. Clearly, I need drama.)

Yeah, I just came here to say that. US sizes are about 2 numbers lower than UK. I'm a 10/8 in UK and a 6/4 in US.

The study also found that about 40% of Americans have had anal sex

Damn you, Natalie Portman, for making everything you do look so glamourous and beautiful! How can we Republicans compete with your shiny eyes and your handsome partner-in-sin?! You are responsible for the downfall of American youth and the rise of illegitimate children (not the lack of comprehensive sex education and

I see every one of these models as Tilda Swinton...

Oh, okay, good. My boyfriend sometimes does my laundry, buys me flowers, and tells me how much he loves me. Sometimes he also he beats me and tells me I'm worthless, but at least he doesn't watch sitcoms or play video games! Thanks, Rosemond!

Yeah, that's true. I'm not feeing witty enough to write that scenario satire right now though. :)

I frequently give up my body for bacon. Goodbye slim hips, hello bacon!

"Your Honour, I'd like to cross-examine the witness.