Phillipa Marlowe

I kind of want this, but, seriously, how do doctors prescribe such a 'medicine' for such a cosmetic issue? My eyelashes are fine, but I'd like longer ones. I'd feel like an ASS going to the doc for a prescription, whereas just picking it up at the pharmacy would be fine.


@paravidyapriya: I think that's a little quick to judge all the men. My boyfriend is really receptive to feminist ideas and concepts and is always interested in ideas of privilege when I point them out to him. He might be an asshole in some ways, but it's not because he's just a man.

@queenhobart: Why should this be in groupthink rather than open thread?

@anteup lost her pizazz: I don't care if he talks to other girls, but, yeah, I'd care if he fucked them...

@all: In relation to what anteup lost her pizazz said, do others of you have experience with open LDRs?

@TheFormerJuneBronson: Not free calls, but we have skype! It's nice, but doesn't it suck to have to call and have a conversation when you might have nothing to say, rather than just veg out on the couch together, when you don't have to say anything?

@Bach to Basics: Yeah, I trust that he won't cheat on me, but our history was troubled, and I may get concerned that he thinks other girls are sexier or whatever... Those are probably my issues rather than not trusting him. I hope he trusts me...

@Girl-With-A-Pearl-Earring: Haha, it took me 2 reads to figure out that DIY didn't mean that you got horny from Ikea furniture. Sorry, though.

Any general advice for a long distance relationship? In brief, our background is that we were on/off for almost a year while in the same place, I moved, we decided we wanted to make it work. We're an hour and half flight away.

@Blarfengar: Haha, nope, I was totally aware of that. I'm not one to shy away from inappropriate jokes. In fact, I consider it one of my talents.

The 'How to get dressed drunk' post was too little too late for Ms Portman.

In the first video, I was like, 'Why is she walking like that? Her legs look like she has decreased motor function.'

Okay, so I've spent my entire sexual life in Europe and have only ever seen uncircumcised penises in person.

@Cellotape: I question car culture. I live in a country with far more pedestrians and cyclists than American cities, and I still don't jaywalk very often (my sister even got a ticket for it here). I don't even own a car or know how to drive. But just like knowing your responsibilities as a car-driver, or a cyclist,

@iamthelaw: I'm not debating the repugnance of the crimes. I'm saying that because she's injured doesn't make what she did legal. If she hadn't jaywalked, she wouldn't be in a coma. There's a reason jaywalking is illegal and that's for safety.

Well, to be fair, the reason jaywalking is illegal is for everyone's safety on the roads. Wouldn't we still want policemen to ticket a comatose driver who ran a red light?