Phillipa Marlowe

I wonder about my bf: he dumped lots of minor gfs/flings in the past few years, but was the dumpee of a big relationship before all that...

Aaaah, that's why she looked so frumpy and nauseous at the premiere.

@rhymeswithfeather: But what if I tell you the next time was in an alley behind a different bar in Germany? I was a teeny bit of a wild child as a teenager.

@Melusina: Yeaaah. It was. But it wasn't good. Teenage drunk bathroom sex is not a good first time. Makes for a good story, though :)

Toilet in an Irish pub in Germany. Oh god. I sound like a total slut.

@fluxus flucker: It's not the broken heart they are suing for. It's the money. Letting the whole wedding get planned and paid for before realising they want out is unfortunate for both parties, but it still has to get paid, and it's only fair that both parties have to contribute to that.

@Leigh Bailey: (And, OMG, sshhh, but the first part of your name is my real name!)

@Leigh Bailey: But aren't engagement rings completely returnable, unlike caterers, venue deposits, altered dresses, etc? I have a friend who was previously engaged, and he returned the ring for full refund when they broke up...

How did her hair grow out so fast?!

@Bat21: Are you sure that's her?

Can we stop giving crazy conservative religious people a platform from which they can spew hateful ignorance? Kthnksbai!

I wish I thought this little guy was cute... but he just looks a little bit gross.

The Cher

@Beachbound885: Served with a steaming plate of hypocrisy?

@Understater: And maybe some Poprocks to make you gasp in shock at the most mundane things.

@lucumadespistada: Hehe. Me too. I 'dated' most of the guys in my grade.

Okay, I don't know about the rest of you, but I really had no idea what this post was about until I clicked on the link.

"Christopher Nolan is casting two female roles in The Dark Knight, a villain and a love interest"