
Shit, Im willing to pitch a tent for free, and it would me more fun...lllllladiess

Giada's head is too big for her tiny body.

Tears from LOL.

Moves 1-52: touch him on the penis.

I used to work in a new-agey place and we would hold mindfulness seminars. The people who attend these seminars are some of the most mindless people you will ever meet. They're so focused on living in their present moment and being in touch with their feelings that they forget everyone else around them. They're the

My current, "boyfriend" is pushing me to develop eating disorders. Never in my life have a given a shit about what anyone thinks of me. Now I feel guilty as fuck and so ashamed if I eat anything in front of him. I can feel him looking at me, secretly docking points for every bite I take. Next time around I'm going to

I'm gonna steal "slut funeral" now.


The moment at the Carter household when they opened that invitation/request must have been hilarious.

I hope they die today.

People who treat animals as if they're disposable are so despicable. I had a sometimes mean ol' tomcat who peed on our floors and we still took great care of that asshole until he passed. I agreed to be responsible for him when I adopted him and I knew he'd be euthanized if I gave him up, so we just dealt with his

That's some BULL. SHIT. My kitty (pictured) and I are going to find those people and punch them in the face/claw their eyes out. Oh, and "management", too.

Yeah, I know - North Korea, date rape, poverty, war - all horrible. When I see stories like this, I go fucking berserk. Something touches my child-less 40something male heart and it screams "Protect the little thing!!!!" I cannot believe someone would just do this, what kind of psychopathic, empathy-less piece of shit

Is it strange that I feel more for a cat than I do for most people?

This honestly makes my anxiety spike, I hate seeing cats and dogs outside when it's so frigid. My old fart of a cat won't even go near my patio doors right now, I can't imagine the poor thing being stuck outdoors waiting for someone to come back and let him inside.

I'm in that -40 region. It is unreal. My dog has never been so acutely aware of her exposed butthole. She's not having it. PS: I wish I were doing both aforementioned activities, but alas, I am working. Eff.

I think we all hope so!

I'm always amazed when parents (with no pets) talk about how dirty animals are and then post photos of their kids eating spaghetti off the floor.

Fact: Children never carry germs or make hideous noises at night.