Is there something wrong with having a vested interest in fighting inequality? That’s kind of how the whole thing works.
Is there something wrong with having a vested interest in fighting inequality? That’s kind of how the whole thing works.
The broader point that separate awards don’t fix the problem is important, but it shouldn’t preclude the creation of community and recognition in separate spaces. Because that community and recognition in marginalized space helps to engender the conditions for collective political advocacy and activism within…
I work in Virginia close to where the rebellion took place. Once an African American student told me he was related to a famous hero, I asked him who, and the student replied, “Nat Turner.” It was such a learning moment for me. If the history books were written by African Americans Nat Turner might be known to all of…
Just go to Deadline and you’d hear them complaining about it now. Apparantly, Black film makers can’t make slavery themed filmed because it’s just going to hurt white people. That’s the takeaway from the comment section.
Omg. You know there are people who would argue that NOT casting Jennifer because she's white is racist. I'm sure Fox has an expert who can explain why that's true.
“He harassed you. That means he likes you! You gals should feel flattered!”
I...just don’t get this at all.
That is some grade A BULLSHIT. It’s like, you’re afraid of him already, so of course you’re going to be afraid to tell him he’s harassing you, and of course he’s going to act belligerently. Argh.
That’s a crock of shit, I agree, and I learned about it the hard way at my job. If you haven’t told your harasser that they are harassing you and should stop, it’s not harassment because they don’t *KNOW* they’re doing it. If you’re too scared to approach them and ask them to stop making sexual or threatening…
This week, Judge Brent Knazan pointed out that the prosecutors failed to prove that Elliott “knew he was harassing the women, and that they were reasonably fearful from that harassment.”
This week, Judge Brent Knazan pointed out that the prosecutors failed to prove that Elliott “knew he was harassing the women, and that they were reasonably fearful from that harassment.”
These sort of systemic changes, that get at the structure of an “old boys club,” while never sufficient on their own, are 10000% good news. How did this not happen decades ago?
That and it’s the 10th anniversary of my 29th birthday today, and I have the day off, so good Jezebeling* is the icing on the cake.
They won’t even let the lady on Downton Abbey get a tan!
Well I do believe kids need to build their immune system. This can be achieved by playing in dirt, being sick from time to time, but vaccines are there to help. If I have kids, I will vaccinate. Sorry, you can't build an immunity to polio.
Make sure to hold on to your children really tightly as you walk in to your doctor’s office though.
So....if murder has no statute of limitations....and no “no-bill” exists....there’s no double jeopardy issue....and no problem bringing this before a grand jury later on down the road, right?
I sometimes I feel for black Americans who hold out hope that their white fellow Americans (and their system) will change their attitudes towards them.
When pressed further, Cuyahoga County admitted that it wasn’t so much a “grand jury” as it was a “lunchtime bowling club.”
All this process, for what? What was the point of any of it if not to obfuscate and shift public opprobrium away from the prosecutor’s office?