Petticoat Despot

Democracy Now has a heartwarming story about how this judge sentenced a domestic abuser who almost killed his wife in the incident to a weekend in jail, AFTER ENSURING IT WOULDN’T INTERFERE WITH HIS MONDAY WORK SCHEDULE.…

Right?! What the fuck? How can someone going to a party a year after a gang rape be used against them? So, she wasn’t destroyed enough to stop attempting to have a normal life so fuck her and her case? This asshole.

Persky made a controversial evidentiary ruling which allowed the jury to view seven photographs of the alleged victim “partying about a year or so after the alleged gang rape. In the photos, she is scantily clad, wearing a garter belt and what appear to be fishnet stockings.”

Though the De Anza case didn’t go “viral,” it speaks, perhaps, to the contradictions of a judge who campaigned as tough on sexual predators and a vocal advocate of victims.

By this logic, Brock Turner should have just kept going to Stanford until he was convicted. Universities need processes to remove people who violate their policies.

Seriously. It’s actually extremely common in relationships where a person knows their abuser. Its called normalizing, its been studied over and over again, its instinctual and normal reaction, and when are we going to accept this as a fact?

“it defies logic and common sense that a woman would seek to re-connect and get back into bed with a man who she says forced her to have unwanted sex just hours earlier.”

This guy?

Nah; ScarJo could do it so much better.

You know that the Tor project was started with funding from the Office of Naval Research, and continues to get money from various branches of the government. The men in black are not out to get him, this guy is just a perv.

Does anyone know a Pakistani that Damon could explain this to?

What? Was Emma Stone not available?

How does Matt Damon feel about this potential casting?

I want Rami Malek somehow involved in this.

Excuse me: here is my man your man!

So all these women attaching there names to reports about this clown are just lying sluts in pay of the NSA?

Bullshit. They’ll both be employed forever. However, they’ll probably also be denied access to some choice genitals, which as far as I know nobody’s entitled to access in the first place. Maybe dudes in the security community should stop raping and abusing women.

Yeah, nobody wants to be the first to speak up. Abuse of women isn’t high on their list of priorities in this community.

“These types of allegations were not entirely new to everybody at Tor; they were consistent with rumors some of us had been hearing for some time,”

When you are subject to daily sexual abuse, discussing things like this does become casual. Because you’re used to it, sadly.