I mean, #2 is a given. It’s Texas.
I mean, #2 is a given. It’s Texas.
I’ve lived in Oregon most of my life and have trick ‘r treating kids.
I found the following fairly affecting, funny but honest to Beck:
Where in Oregon?
Remember when you guys tried to stage a coup? Neato!
Same. I could not wait to hand over the cash to the seller and be done with it.
He wanted cash because he was going to be an expat in Honduras where “a dollar went further.” As I was not one to give out life advice I did not want to tell him that only made sense if he wasn’t robbed or murdered carrying around $6,000 in…
Always fascinating how quickly the veteran humpers change their tune when the veteran isn’t white. “Support the troops! Not that one though!”
“Is y’all safe? Did you see a crime go?”
That’s fair. My experience is with police/fire/etc when put out on admin leave. Yes, they couldn’t earn overtime but as overtime isn’t guaranteed they aren’t strictly “losing” money either. I know scheduling/pay/hours for airlines is super wacky, so this is a helpful perspective.
So, further information is required. In every situation I’m aware of, the people would be on administrative leave pending an investigation. That leave would be paid. “Suspended” means without pay. So either an edit is needed or more information is required.
According to how Kotaku now treats him, I think you mean the next book by “Bloomberg reporter”
Potato, potahto
Yes but church attendance has been dropping steadily for decades. I know spirituality/religion can be a private affair, but actions speak louder than words.
The Dodge Hellcat inspired horsepower war has taken a weird turn.
It’s a shame they didn’t plan this better and hold a fifth superspreader event during a worldwide pandemic:
Even more amazing is that it is the hottest weekend EVER in Eugene (not hyperbole, thanks climate change). It is awful outside, so bad that they cancelled Sunday’s events. To set records in this heat is amazing.
I think both companies have this policy (source: know people who work for both). I would guess, based on the secrecy and tone of the post, that they mean Nike.
Thanks, I appreciate it
Having little science background, can someone explain the following: “An inverter (that’s what turns DC current from the battery to AC for the motor)“