Wow, scientists have discovered a way to extract energy from internal combustion engines (a 230+ year old technology) using a Peltier device, which was created in 1834. How revolutionary!
Wow, scientists have discovered a way to extract energy from internal combustion engines (a 230+ year old technology) using a Peltier device, which was created in 1834. How revolutionary!
I remember reading about this exhaust system in PopSci 20 years ago. Its just Peltier cycle semi-conductors. They didn’t pursue it then for the same reasons they wont now - the output isn’t even close to worth it for the cost.
Tesla refusing to take back the truck is actually appropriate. People being rude to you is not a defect in materials or workmanship. Heck if he drove it through a car wash he could probably get a lemon law buy back. OTOH the CyberCucks have reaped what they have sown. A giant symbol of fealty to the cult of Elon…
There is always the possibility, and I know this may be a radical suggestion but hear me out, maybe this guy is just an overall douchebag and the hostility has nothing to do with the truck.
If I was gonna spend $40,000 on a salvage title car, I would buy a Viper and die historic on the Fury Road.
you dont have to be in front of a camera ever day or even every week to do a good job as a president.
the worst part about tariffs is that they are sticky. even when the tariffs are removed the prices don’t go down.
Lol! You think that these voters you're talking about would reconsider their own decisions? These people would run their own kids over, and blame it on somebody else!
We live in the dumbest timeline.
Or even 2 years ago, when prices were going up and inflation was becoming a serious problem, when you could still go a week or 2 without hearing from the president. I know some will say it’s because he was really old and infirm, but I choose to believe it was because he was a normal fucking human being who didn’t need…
This is the real problem. The DOJ has already announced that it will ignore crimes committed by Trump supporters, but will be investigating everyone else for un-Trump like thinking - that is the actual purpose of all the vague anti-DEI laws.
a move legal experts say would place crash liability squarely on Tesla.
Crazy to think that just 4 months ago, inflation was down, price of eggs were going down to normal, employment and wages were on a ascending curve and insane ideas like invading Canada, Greenland and Panama or building casinos in Las Gaza, foolish trade-wars were not occupying the news.
China will “concede” something they’re already doing, Trump will take credit for it, and his base will eat it up.
LOL he believes he is above the law. Who the fuck does he think he is, the current president of the United States?
“Democrats punish the corrupt, Republicans just consider themselves exempt from the laws”