
I go between NYC and DC a lot for work and I still prefer to fly. One of the main reasons: Amtrak Miles suck compared to airline miles. What the hell am I going to do with Amtrak Miles? That’s like the proverbial pie eating contest where first place is more pie. With airline miles I can use them for vacations when I

If your plan is to have kid(s), then just have the kid(s). You’re never actually ready to have kids. Don’t assume it is just going to happen. We did the wait thing and while Kid #1 was a snap, Kid #2 came after all sorts of medical interventions and tens of thousands of dollars later, and while beginning the process

Pretty sure it is about 80% grifters and 20% ignorant fools.

Cute comment, but there were dozens on this very site proclaiming he’d make a great president.

Remember when a bunch of people were saying he should run for President? lol

The #Resistance is like 50% grifters who saw a quick buck to be made off Trump hate.

Just a cute reminder that liberals made whole ass comic books depicting Mueller as some muscle bound super hero because of this investigation.

Fuck the Philippines, China can have them. Because look at the map: Nothing but thousands of miles of deep blue ocean to the east (US), and primarily Islamic Indonesia to the south.

What a waste of money and people and resources. Just wait a few more years, then the USA will switch to communism. World peace at last.

Foreign F-35 pilot cadres are being trained in the US. These countries also regularly participate in large training exercises with US pilots.

The US is more than happy to train their pilots too. Also, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and Australia train their pilots just fine.

why aren’t they buying Chinese fighters?

So you are saying Singapore is incapable of training their pilots to effectively fly this airplane?

You mention the J-31 up there, but you missed a trick..

Are you surprised that dumb, lazy assholes have dumb, lazy, asshole kids?

Anybody that necessitates an AR-15 to fell a deer is a Goddamn retard.

Man, can’t wait to see this stop all those illegal gun sales that already happen with no background check. Oh. Wait. It won’t do anything to deter that at all. In fact it may encourage people to purposely flaunt a law they disagree with. And when this utterly fails to do anything except be a burden on law abiding gun

Please STOP with your conspiracies...

On the subject of a money belt, be sure to use it properly. The whole point is to have a safe place to stash your wad of cash when you’re somewhere unfamiliar. You should keep your “walking around money” (enough for a day) in your regular wallet and never go into your money belt in public. That way, it stays a secret.

I don’t think the “trolls” are the ones doing the trolling. I think Brie Larson and the “woke” crybullies are reaping the results of their own brand of trolling. Articles like this, for example. Pointing at the audience and blaming them for not accepting that your trivial cape crap is something from a higher plane of