
Your point boils down to “Jews shouldn’t be trusted to accurately identify antisemitism or the prejudice that happens against them, they’re just trying to defend Israel”.

Please tell me when Jews get to have valid concerns and grievances since you clearly know better than Jews. Do you also gatekeep and lecture black

Bring a gun, just to be safe.

“Calling her anti-Semitic is just a way to silence criticism. Also, the people who criticize her are Islamophobic.”

Which is it?

Expecting that is wishful thinking, since they’re going to end up investigating how Trump convinced Russia to modify vote tallies in 2016 instead of looking into anything that, you know, might have actually happened.

LEO’s exercise wide latitude about which laws they do (and do not) enforce every day: traffic laws, drug laws, parking codes, loitering laws, and on and on. This isn't a new concept. Just because you think they should doesn't change it. 

Here’s a thought: maybe you don't get to decide what should and shouldn't offend Jewish people.

“You could argue what she said is borderline...”

Hulk gets angrier, Hulk gets bigger. That was his angle.

Eh? Part of the plot was that the Hulk’s size depends on the size of  his anger.

We already sort of do this. Post about conservative politics on facebook, people will try to get you fired. And then there’s the whole internet rage machine, harassing people to the point of suicide attempts because their dog crapped on the subway.

The Chinese credit system is scary because it’s unaccountable and in

It’s kind of how we’ve reached the point where a socialist isn’t run out of congress and put in social isolation. But here we are.

I have several Millennial friends that feel we need to adopt this same system.

Sanders received an allowance of only about 25 cents a day when he was young

i really don’t understand the excitement about him.  he’s way too radical to ever win a national election.  i understand using him to spur a debate about certain policies but in regard to his die hard supporters, you might as well wish that tinkerbell’s going to be president.

Between lowered expectations for the Mueller report and this moron running again, I’m more or less resigned to the reality of a second Trump admin.

Go to any third world country and you'll see the results of your idea. 

Of course, no texting while driving, but texting while walking.

Also Microsoft does not call you about your compromised Windows. Please don’t let anyone you didn’t call remote into your PC.

If you wnat facts and research, you came to the wrong store. 

I think one of the bigger money scams that nobody’s talking about Amazon charging 6 dollars to watch Ocean’s 8.