
I’m more concerned with people who have no business legally buying firearms attempting to do so. A more full amendment not specifically targeting undocumented people would have been preferable but I’ll take what I can get. If that amendment deters 100 people a year from buying firearms, then it’s done its job. If an

I find it amusing that the addition of reporting illegal immigrants trying to purchase weaponry on some sort of ideological ground. So I guess AOC is pro-guns for illegal immigrants?...Kay...interesting stance...

i agree. 100%.

I will die on this hill with you, even if I can’t tell whether you are being sarcastic or not. Hulk was better than at least 5-6 MCU movies.

Skip The Incredible Hulk as it is truly terrible and watch Ang Lee’s superior Hulk from 2003. You won’t regret it.

Yup, better the strongest gun control bill in years fail over reporting people who probably aren’t allowed to buy guns being reported when trying to do so.

Leave it to overzealous politically correct hacks to suck all the childhood fun out of life. Don’t tickle kids, don’t give them candy, don’t smile at them you pedophile you, don’t hug them, don’t look at them funny, don’t say “atta boy” because what if they identify as a female, don’t tell them what beautiful hair

California may be objectively the best state in the union

Housing projects are not a successful program, nor can they possibly be a long term solution.

I dunno, man, I’m kinda leaning towards “fuck that kid.”

I usually click on the “History” tab once a week to if any transactions have occurred (fees, dividends, etc) that I wasn’t aware of.

I just moved over to Schwab as well, any other general tips?

Over the last few years I’ve moved away from owning mutual funds and towards ETFs. The reason being, the ability to put in place trailing stop orders that help limit losses. I usually set them at 5% and renew them every 60 days. I left Vanguard and moved to Schwab because they didn’t offer them as a trading tool.

Real Italians know the Sunday sauce was cooked all day Saturday. 

Receipts please for the weapons caches. I have yet to see someone show any evidence of these “weapons”.

You’re dealing with a combination of Hugo supporters via Maduro and also ‘America is always wrong’ folks.

Can’t wait until full-on socialism reaches US. It will be great having to fight my neighbor for a triscuit or boil my leather shoes for food

My mom’s “rebound guy” after my dad passed was a real Eye-talian goombah from the part of Boston where they keep the walking stereotypes in between cameos in mob movies. And by the gods, the man made a “Sunday gravy” of a kind you’d sell your mother into slavery to acquire if that were its price. Meaty, savory,

She was born in The Bronx.  She’s not an immigrant, she just gets treated like one.

If you stop talking about her, we will too. Her political fame would not have emerged if you didn’t prop her up first as the Fresh New Face(TM) of the Democrat Party.