Jack Edwards Hair Piece

Registered sex offending ear-piece.

Drew -

I am still cracking up at the idea of the guy to the left eating a large plate of paella.

Do you think AJ ruined Deadspin?

Jesus Fucking Christ. +1

Perhaps I am just woefully lazy, or clueless, or some horrific melding of the two, but wouldn't a rainy day be ideal for kids? Options are the fucking worst. Not only do you have to pick one, but there is the painfully endless debate prior to deciding. You have to do fucking gap analysis to just go do some shit

What kills me is that their strategy in the comment re-formatting appears to be working. Over the past three months pageviews are up 21%. Pages per visitor up 6%. Bounce rate is down. If the aim was to cast a broader net, I think they're showing signs of accomplishing that. Strictly because of the comments? Doubtful.

Sort of, only a poopier.


Should have phoned it in.

Bobby V has totally lost it. Nobody puts anything near Glen Ordway's mouth and hopes to ever see it again.

Uninterested Mrs. Drew? he trying to suggest the conferences are a little long?

Why is it that the most genius high as a kite weed ideas escape us so easily? I've seriously solved the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, understood why Freebird is so fucking long, and reasonably justified the existence of the keytar, only to have these revelations escape me like some bitter mistress.

Can you muster an honest defense of Rick Reilly?

How is Elvis, and have you seen him lately?

What is your opinion of the term "Douchejuice"?

How do you feel about the term "douchejuice"?

You just need to stab ziti with your fork. Is this even a discussion? ZITI all day.

Do the jazz-hands do anything for anybody? What does that demonstrate? If it were a fireworks show, it would be like a guy holding up a sparkler every few minutes, just for...good measure?