
Does this mean they will finally release Cookin' Mama for the Xbox?! My life will be complete if I can now cook virtually with the Kinect when I'm not in the kitchen making sandwiches IRL!

As long as it comes in scented pink with commercials of women twirling I have no issues with the increase in cooties.

Limited time beefy brunch burrito- that is a great reason to go to Taco Bell with your 3DS.

I agree with Gillford. I actually got my PhD in cognitive psychology from an institution with one of the most famous evolutionary psychologist around but my BA in anthropology and psychology made me wary of their field. One of their students was presented a talk on the difference in navigation at a farmer's market

I agree that she is pretty (maybe they just use really unflattering makeup and lighting on The Guild) but I think the personalities she portrays makes her more approachable than Gisele Bundchen or Charlize Theron.

I think my issue with Day is she occupies that safe space for nerd guys. She is hot without being unapproachable so in their minds they still think, "I could have sex with that girl." Also all the characters she plays lack a strong sense of self-worth or confidence so once again she seems like she is attainable.

Isn't the whole, "You are like a brother to me," female code for my vagina is just not interested in you. So by saying that geek girls are like siblings to them they are basically just making the classic excuse that they are not sexually attracted to them.

I think this girl was on the GeekLove show doing another cosplay from an online game.

I think we need to open a petition to McDs for some decent Hello Kitty merchandise. I also need an excuse to go have some of their fries.

Teenage kitties, you give them an inch and they fluff all over.

Bruce (our bi-color male) is also an attention hog. He has the nickname of the Smurgler because he needs attention all the time and has to smurgle you for at least a good three minutes before settling down. Something must be up with the ragdoll Y chromosome because Sassy is affectionate without being needy.

This is freaky because your cats are twins of my ragdolls litter mates D:

I think this should be next

Those oreos are so good although my favorite will always be Halloween oreos because I have a weakness for anything Halloween related.

Especially when the line is too long at Taco Bell. They need that beefy crunch burrito before it is discontinued!

Actually there is a difference between gender and sex. Sex is the biological definition dealing with X and Y chromosomes and what genitalia an individual has (that being said it isn't as black and white as people once thought since there are actually a bunch of people out there with XXY chromosomes or other intersex

Yeah, the Narnia books were my favorite growing up and I was only required to read Out of the Silent Planet in high school but I hand to finish the series.

Not sure what you are really referring to. I just responded to the original poster about how people have to constantly defend that there is inequality among the sexes.

Not really. He talks about feminist being terrorists and hate mongers when all he/she did was epitomize what is wrong with the dialogue between people that people in equality between the sexes.

I know because I have read the books at least three times. This was actually one of my screen names back from WoW because someone had already taken the correct spelling (I already had my heart set on naming my greenish colored Draenei after the book since the people there had green skin). I have carried it over to