
Great... Now their will be apps dedicated to baking and knitting...

But... ... but it's just science that women can't play video games! Their boobs get in the way of using the controller properly. The ancient Amazons, revered for their video gaming skills despite being women cut off their left breast to be able to better manipulate the joystick.

Maybe the game is being played at a Beyonce concert because he wants to attract...

Except they don't take this into account. They think they do. They do things like study chimps not bonobos so the "dominent" male theory dominates. They assume men are more invested in promiscuity then women even though monogamy benefits men evolutionarily speaking. They don't do things like study how the tendency of

Evolutionary psychology fans know jack about basic history, cultural and anthropological diversity, and, say, basic colour theory. There are geniuses trying to extract some deep evolutionary meaning from the pink and blue arbitrary assignments, somewhere under this very article. So, girls like pink because... erm...

The thing is that evolutionary psychologists know almost nothing about how early societies were set up, and making conclusions from 'selective pressures' at that time becomes an exercise in writing just-so stories. Some also tend to ignore the enormous diversity among different cultures, because it doesn't fit the

It's a travesty that I had to scroll so far down to finally find this.

Callandor. It is capable of breaking the world. Discussion over.

I am sure if you had a high school of any half decent size, you had a few (not by choice) geek girls.

That'd be nice. Passing off a white people's folktale as an Inuit folktale would have been unfortunate for other reasons.

That is some terrifying eye make up.

Mine are teenagers so they're still in the aloof stage. They don't need our body heat yet. We have lots of 'forced socialization' because they are so soft!

hehehe this made me happy. here a gif version.

If he named her, he gives her an identity as an individual and tacitly recognizes her as an equal (or at least human). By referring to her as 'the woman', it designates her as a thing that is lesser than him. It just further illustrates his perception of women and how shitty he really is.

Oh, I dunno. I was a tween girl once, and I was wholly obsessed with the Backstreet Boys, and knew pretty much everything about them. I was also not at an age where critical thinking was really happening, and like these young ladies, I'd have probably not stopped to really think about the reporter's question before

Can we PLEASE make "Lindy's Oreo Corner" a thing?

when I started my recent stint in college, studying Digital Media Arts (a catch-all certification that covered a little graphics, a little sound, a little video, a little code, some project management...), the Program Coordinator and instructor for Photoshop and Illustrator quipped that Macs are for people who don't

I don't think intelligence is a req. for geek. The basic difference I know is that nerds are smart in some way and geek are not. A person can love comics and play video games etc. and not be very smart.

I know, right? The cognitive dissonance those assholes experience must be exhausting.