
Agreed, if someone says something and they are legitimately ignorant I don't mind explaining why it might be offensive. It is completely different when someone is so entrenched in what they are thinking you know that even providing them with thousands of pages of literature won't change their minds.

I love Grand Cayman, that must have been a beautiful wedding and I'm sure your guests loved it when they got there.We did something similar at Disney World. Our hometowns are terrible and unpredictable in the Spring (Rhode Island and Kansas) and no matter what we did people would have to travel. We gave our guests

The need to add in Gideon Emery to complete the sexy voice trifecta.

Dear Gisele, Can you make some underwear for men and get your husband to do some modeling?

I think that people who report false allegations of rape are the worst because not only are they hurting the person they are accusing they also make people less likely to believe real victims.

I agree that it is much easier to do it with the benefit of writing rather than face-to-face. I almost feel like I wouldn't be able to look the person in the eye if they said something that like

I almost lost a friend a couple months ago regarding something like this. He had an angry post on Facebook about a cab driver that was ALMOST falsely accused for sexual assault. The guy was angry that NY wouldn't charge the women for defamation of character even though it never got that far because he had cameras in

I'm not sure if anyone brought this up but they are releasing a new Mirror's Edge which has a female protagonist. Also Dragon Age is similar to Mass Effect in that the player can choose the gender of their character and typically you have access to either male or female love interests. I agree as a woman who plays

No offense but do you know the Star Wars franchise? I don't think there were any female clones, female style droids, or female storm troopers so they are sticking with the lore. The last Battle Front did allow you to play as Aayla Secura when you had access to their equivalent of a hero class.

Ummmm wrong, I would agree if the mix up was with some ugly QB like Romo but I don't think any woman could not identify Tom Brady. Especially if you just looked at that perfect backside.