
Damn, been sober for 3 years....

Fox News: Hey crazy dipshit we have a couple show spots for you where you can talk about the Constitution....

Do you actually try to hire the people with the most personal problems? I mean, do you have a task force to look for high school kids that were bullied so you can pump em up with steriods and form super cops? Do you look for people that were refused entry to the military?

Can we please give AZ the proper status: a bunch of CA wannabes, broke, idiotic, racist and tanned

This stuff from the fans is too funny. Denver drivers due stop on on-ramps, mostly because of the constant construction. I have been out here 8 years and it seems that 25 will never be done

Stick to Sports

Where is farting? I love to do that and it is so, so wrong

so did I. And even when it was swimming towards the bank I thought, "well, it really is a cow. Probably a baby cow. Why is it a Zoo."

This will never outsell the one from the 90s. With Cedric Ceballos and Malik Sealy dropping straight fire

I can rest easy tonight knowing that Killer Tomatoes and Toxic Avenger made the list.


"Send in the Clowns?" More like send in the stretchers. 82 dead, broseph.

Side note: the new Wolfenstein is great.

no, they just cant get that interest. Its been a while but I believe the percentage was usury

But did Reilly have it first on twitter?

Nice Clarence Worley/True Romance reference.

He was the Emmit Smith of NBA coverage. Plus, whoever watches countdown regularly is an idiot.

The Ohio State hate is strong in this one

Good score. How does he live now?

If its a max security, your chance of problems is way lower. FYI.