
She is probably as tired of this song as all us parents are. My kid was one of many, many kids auditioning for the school musical. Guess which sing was heard all around? Way too powerful for elementary kids. I convinced mine to do the "Do You want to build a snowman?" one because she's 6 and fits her voice. She's also

Thank you!

Here's a pic. :)

You've never had carne asada fries?!

Carne asada fries.

On certain nights I can catch Rob on twitter and have little conversations with him. He's the kind of guy with a friendly small town attitude. I'd buy him a beer.

We have set roots here until he retires. We are fortunate to live in the best elementary school system in the entire state of CA and the middle and high schools are great, as well. When she is on her own, he wants to retire in Traverse City. We are missing home so much, me especially with my dad slowly losing his

Thank you so much for this. I'm literally in tears.

They seriously grouped wiccans with satanists? Disgusting.

I was, too.

The German version with Rammstein is even more fun if you want to feel like you're being yelled at the entire time.

We are in the San Diego area and I 100% recommend going whale watching. My daughter preferred it over Seaworld.

Now playing

The idiots at Seaworld would like to blame Blackfish for all their bad PR, but Frontline already exposed their awful ways in the early 90's, WAY before Blackfish.

My feelings exactly. I don't know who would be the lesser evil in this situation.

Gasp! It's a map?

No worries! I wasn't mad at or upset at your comment, hence the smiley at the end. I'm just used to people thinking my home state is one big Detroit. In reality, it's beautiful if you go outside of the bigger cities. I was blessed to be from Northern Michigan. I'm a walking Pure Michigan ad and I feel like it needs to

Only it isn't. If you base the state on just that city, you're missing out. :)

You might have heard of the rest of the state that isn't just Detroit, you sarcastic twat? Unnecessary rudeness much?

As well as country music galore and the top five pop songs played over and over again on the only pop music station.

Michigan is more small town and country music than it is rap music. This can't be right.