
And was also widely known to consider himself a satanist, wrote a book about his personal beliefs about sacrificing children, and had many followers. He certainly didn't help with the reputation. He's like the Westboro Baptist Church of the Satanists. So when you ask a random person what they think about satanism, he

What about that Crowely guy (Allistaire Crowely I think)? He said to sacrifice children and was a horrible person in life. Also a bad name for satanism.

He system still does this, too. It's awful.

I don't know too much about Final Fantasy, but I know that there's a classical music station on the radio here in San Diego that place movie scores on the weekends but always finds a way to add music scores from Final Fantasy in, and I love them. Very beautiful.

Please tell me you've reproduced and are spreading your awesomeness through them. :)

Agreed, they're not saying high-rise jeans are going to be right under the boobs, they're going to sit just above the hips or a little higher. I love this look because any woman can pull it off with the right fit. :)

God, this is forever my favorite character played by Kathy Bates. Simply perfect casting on their part.

puts on goggles I'm going in. Wish me well.

Ah, yes, another NFL worthy little boy. I'll add him to the list with these other losers.

Umm, don't we have bigger 90's news to talk about? Like how there's going to be a continuation of the Cory/Topanga story in a whole new show? Like, hello? This article is as if.

Is sweet valley high with the two blonde twins? Because I remember one book where one of them goes all emo. It was hilarious.

Seriously, if you have to say you're not a vampire, then you're definitely a vampire. Same with Aliens.

This is my favorite (and most popular) photo of him.

They should redo this so he's in his Snape clothing the entire time. It would be hilarious.

I think the guy who played Voldemort is sexier, but he's like #2 on the HP Hotties list for the Actors over 30. I have another list for the ones 21-29. I'm a pervert.

Jezebel, among many other things, are a constant reminder of why I'm a recovering feminist.

Don't matter. Do you feel you're more of a PB kind of gal, or more Jellin'?

So do we do something special now, being Internet twins and all? Should we get matching Princess Luna sweaters or dress as peanut butter and jelly for Halloween?

You made my day!

(My name is also Casey, we both have daufhters, and they both have ponies. Hello, twin. )