My Gyno said I needed to drink more milk daily as women (especially Caucasian women) get osteoporosis and milk would help. I drink chocolate milk on the daily.
My Gyno said I needed to drink more milk daily as women (especially Caucasian women) get osteoporosis and milk would help. I drink chocolate milk on the daily.
Especially the rare female serial killers. But, hey, you never know!
I'm more of the "place hand on shoulder, squeeze a little, look child in the eyes, and tell them to stop what they're doing or else... and leave the "or else" up to their imagination" kind of mom.
I was just going to say the same. I would also add that, if my child had needs and acted like that, I wouldn't dare put them in a situation with an adult not fully trained to handle their needs. Either find someone trained or drive him myself. The kid didn't need to be slapped, of course, but we need to remember that…
The part where she calls out cheapskates for trying to make one bottle last all night did make me giggle.
Tell us how you really feel, Minaj.
My girl loves legos. I am hoping to get her into K'Nex like my brothers and I were as kids. This will be embarrassing but, as a little girl, I used to build "apartments" and Ferris wheels for my beanie babies with K'Nex.
After wearing skinny jeans for all these years, I found a pair of flare legged jeans (they're pretty much bell bottoms, I'll admit it) and they're so loose and comfortable. I can't imagine why I went from loose and comfortable to skinny in the first place. I don't care that my coworkers laughed at my "hippie pants".…
Has this child never watched Shrek? Fiona kicks Disney Princess ass.
I'm sorry, but it's true. :(
I'm sorry, but it's true. :(
She probably assumed the fire would destroy it. Ha!
If you want to hear something that also sad and weird, it's that the Amish are the #1 perpetuators of puppy mills. :(