/) Awesome. :)
/) Awesome. :)
straight, married, mother, and pegasister here. We are actually more common to the MLP fandom than you would think. I'll excuse your ignorant post for what it is... Ignorance.
did anyone else notice how much she looks like the Big Bang actress? If so, were Big Bang snarky jokes already made? There's already so many comments to sift through and Iam usually late to the game.
Agreed, the term would be pederast in this case, if the allegations are true.
For those that are still giving SNL a chance, did you notice how much they tried to push James Franco? Ugh. No.
That picture, though.... Yeesh.
I should totally link you to this article comment page where a guy is trying to tell me his wife isn't a child bride. She married him at 17. He also sees no problem about the article's story, about how a HS teacher had an inappropriate relationship with her student because he is 18.
Kevin Hart, you have no ethics. You rub me the wrong way and now I know why. You're up there on my ick-factor list with Tom Cruise and Gwynith Paltrow. Just... Disappear.
I think the author of this article grossly over-thought and exaggerated what her words meant. You hold the words of an actress at too much of a high standard. If Dunst is happy in her life and that's how she feels, so be it. You're letting her feelings affect yours by trying to make her sound like a birther…
As a mother myself, I can tell you that one reason these news stories are suddenly showing up more in your view because you are noticing them more than you did before. It's like when you hear a name for the first time and then you suddenly notice it in other places more.
I'm always late for everything. That's why I have a kid. Ha!
I'm waiting for the "how is this different than abortion" comment.
I've about had it with all this "basic bitch" business.
Hardee's and Carl's Jr are owned by the same company. Carl's is west coast, Hardee's is east coast. They cater to each side's tastes.
Ugh, Wendy's. Even their commercials gross me out. A hamuburger patty shouldn't be square. No. I know it's fake, it doesn't need to look fake, too.
Only when it's someone like him who could have anyone and he chooses someone who isn't legally allowed to buy cigarettes yet or consign a loan... If that. I'm sure it's fine in her country, but they make laws for certain ages for a reason.
I'm a huge fan of the Alice books. HUGE. This, along with my longtime obsession with Johnny Depp, I always imagined him playing the mad hatter. It was like he and that character were met to me. So, when I found out he WAS to play this character, I was beyond excited. People in a forum that also love the books were not…
For me, it's more of the morality of it. What else other than a "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" would a thirty-something see in a 17-year-old kid. Yes, I am calling her a kid because kids under 25 do not have a fully developed brain and seem to act a lot more immature these days. (Not all of them, most of them)
At this point, I think it's beyond a character now. He and that character are now one. If anything, I'm sure he will find a classy way to bring that to a new arena.