The First one is from the book "This Book of More Perfectly Useless information" By Mitchell Symons pg. 329 the fact is titled "Enough to end it all?" The man was Edwin Wakeman of Manchester and it happened in 1927.
The First one is from the book "This Book of More Perfectly Useless information" By Mitchell Symons pg. 329 the fact is titled "Enough to end it all?" The man was Edwin Wakeman of Manchester and it happened in 1927.
The First one is from the book "This Book of More Perfectly Useless information" By Mitchell Symons pg. 329 the fact is titled "Enough to end it all?" The man was Edwin Wakeman of Manchester and it happened in 1927.
The First one is from the book "This Book of More Perfectly Useless information" By Mitchell Symons pg. 329 the fact is titled "Enough to end it all?" The man was Edwin Wakeman of Manchester and it happened in 1927.
Thank you, I couldn't remember the names as it was told to me in 2011 on my last trip there. I couldn't find any info online about it.
Thank you, I couldn't remember the names as it was told to me in 2011 on my last trip there. I couldn't find any info online about it.
I called bongs on it, as well, but it is in the book "Macabre Miscellany" of 1,001 Gorey facts if you're interested. That story was from the 18th century, so who knows.
Thank you very much. I regret to say he isn't doing well and the Merkel cell tumor has him in horrible pain, it's resting on the main artery to his left leg. We are hoping for at least a year with him. Merkel Cell Carcinoma is a painful and deadly skin cancer worse than melanoma. I wish that on no one.
Sad to say I haven't been on reddit yet. What am I missing?
My dad has both Merkel Cell Carcinoma and prostate cancer. Merkel cell is very rare in the first place, so leave it to my dad to have two cancers at once and have that be a rare occurrence, as well.
There was a man who committed suicide because, due to two marriages, it had become that he was his own grandpa.
Yes, they had the bridge there connecting to Canada! :)
She probably assumed the fire would destroy it. Ha!
If you want to hear something that also sad and weird, it's that the Amish are the #1 perpetuators of puppy mills. :(
I you love ducks as much as I do, here's some helpful advice to spread around. Only give them whole wheat bread, not white bread. :)
NewYork's saddest man is Stefon. He'll fill the pain by drinking vodka shots out of the butt crack of elves.
Must you torture my soul with the AHS Coven ending?
What do you expect from a website that refuses to remove pedophillia books that teach how to groom children into sex?
I've been so involved with other news, like the Ukraine and the Taiji dolphins, that I honestly didn't know this was happening.
Not only did we have an American black bear in my early years of childhood, we once babysat a friend's 2-year-old grizzly for the weekend while he went on his honeymoon. They let it sleep in my parent's room, and I naturally peeked in to look at it. I'm really wondering how no one ever called CPS on my family.