
What's the big differences between these Left Behind books and Stephen King's The Stand? I have only read the latter and, from what I remember, it was about the same thing, right?

Well, seeing as they originated from a Manga and have always had Samurai influence incorporated into it, I'm not surprised. Even Shredder's costume is supposed to be Samurai style.

I think Shredder looks cool this way, too. runs and hides from hate mob

*eye roll* and I don't care what your words to me are. I care that you seem to want to start a conversation/debate on something I've tried blowing you off from. No, wait, I don't care. I'm sorry that words on a screen makes you assume I'm sexist. Maybe I just really, really don't like an individual? You seemed poised

Instead of making a mountain out of a molehill of my comment, I'll reiterate what I was trying to say...

Taken from the article: "To me, the meaning of the Madonna of my youth always vastly trumped her (in my opinion) rather average voice. She was a provocateur who made womanhood feel powerful and disemboweled her critics with a haughty absence of fucks. She moved culture forward on purpose."

People assume she did what she did for women. No one cares to entertain the idea that perhaps, maybe, she did it all for HERSELF and to keep her name in people's mouths. That seems more likely.

I agree, and I adore your pony pic. /)

Escorting a celebrity without authorization? Suspension with no pay.

I've been flying with my six-year-old since she was three months old. EVERY flight we've been on, I receive compliments on how awesome she is. But, hey, I get it, it's "cool" to hate on little kids and babies who can't stand up for themselves.

Shhhh... The sheeps aren't allowed to know this plan!

I would have went with "Mama".

I found them right where they should be. Forgive me.

This diagram is missing a breed that is supposed to be the closest cousin to the wolf, since they came directly from them and all. At least, I couldn't see them from that unreadable diagram. So, if they are on there, please help me. If not... for shame.

If I'm paying for what photographers ask for this day, you better make me look like Beyoncé.

The voice that stopped you was called respect and maturity.

I wasn't on computers much at that time, so I didn't know there were websites for fans and fanfiction. I missed out. :(

Georgio makes this girl get a lady boner. The crazier his hair, the better.

As a women who was extremely devoted to The X-Files as a kid, I mean extremely devoted due to my obsession with paranormal phenomena, cryptozoology, etc., I was crushed when those two characters came in and Mulder left. Those seasons do not exist to me. But, hey, at least he came back for the final episode and it

On a good day, the Sirius XM channel "Kids place live" will play the extended version of his song. There is, indeed, a benefit to having kids!