
Oh, god. Oh, GOD. Why. Why did you HAVE to point this out? I could have deluded myself that they weren´t going to go there. But they are.

Actually, that´s not true. Psychologically, it´s generally much more difficult (for the killer) to kill someone with a knife than with a gun. Using a gun requires a simple finger motion to end the life of another person that the killer may not even be able to see (e.g. ricochet fire). A person can be killed simply for

What they mean when they say this is not to tell every detail backwards, but the list of events. For example, you´re my angry girlfriend. You suspect that I cheated on you on Friday, but I insist that I came home from work, had a glass of wine, and called my friend, Steve.

Steve and I went to a museum exhibit on

I haven´t seen Top of the Lake, but in True Detective, they made it fairly clear in the final scene that the Yellow King was NOT the man they shot and killed. They closed the case that they were given, and brought that particular killer to justice.

This was actually pretty good. He does an extremely good 'cool guy thing with your face'. I LOL´d.

Yes, yes, exactly! What you said there about the alterna-sexuality ladies. I have since met lots of cool women who I really admire that are lesbians or bisexual, but now I´ve made my choice and up and married (which I never planned on doing anyway - strange how things work out sometimes).

What is your problem?

Glad you have an end to inane conversations at least. Everybody has to deal with people they don´t like - just do your best and be polite when you can.

I moved to a different country after I finished an MA.Ed in the US. Because I knew I didn´t want to live in the US with the current situation on economy, healthcare and No Child Left Behind.

Oh, how sad and awful for you. Without a doubt, your furbaby knew how much you loved her. There wasn´t anything you could do, and so it was the kindest possible thing to let her go so that she would be free of pain. Try to focus more on the times when she was happiest and healthiest rather than her illness at the end.

The good ones won´t be gone by 30. Dating sucks at any age, thanks to all the flakes, liars, people who don´t know what they want, and other gems floating around in the general population just waiting to be discovered by some hapless lonely person.

The short answer is ... them´s the breaks. Speaking more diplomatically, people delude themselves all the time about what people want, so even if you SAY you are not interested in sex, the guy (or girl) on the other end of the intertubes might just think to him/herself that he/she can change your mind.

LOL I had not heard of these, but I immediately looked it up. Impressive! Will try!

Awwww. Some guys are just awesome. :)

Oh, no. That sounds like such a shame! I´m sure you´ve already tried, but isn´t there a way one of you could move and you could be together?

Ooh, this is nice. I like this one. Hmm. He takes care of me in all the important ways. He makes me laugh. He does the dishes (which is my most hated chore.) He doesn´t complain if I ask him to do housework. He cooks. He gets in bed with me every night, even if he´s not tired yet, to warm up my cold toes before he

I had a friend like this. It became extremely difficult to talk to her about anything that wasn´t something she was interested in, and she was almost ludicrously uninformed, it turns out, even about things that DID interest her.

Yeah, I think this would be a good way to get this frenemy to stop and think about what she says without resorting to name calling (I almost called her a bitch in my comment, and had to stop and think about an alternative.)

Wow. I´m impressed by people who are able to do the no processed foods thing. Good for you.

Oh, no, I would never flush that stuff! Don´t worry, we´re safe.