
According to IMDB, the show was originally intended to have only 4 children (for the reason given in the pilot episode: “because we did not want 5!”) Sondra was added after the pilot was filmed to show the end result of Cliff and Clair´s parenting. Which I imagine was meant to be a successful, well-educated young

I´m really curious where the header photo is from. His eyes look like they are screaming. And if that is an example of fan behavior, where they put their hands on his face and Joker-ized him, it´s bullshit. (If it´s a candid photo from some other part of his life, withdrawn.)

I´m sure the majority of people are polite

Awesome. I need to look into this. I was in a hurry to work one day, and so I threw some dry shampoo in my hair, brushed like a mofo and left for school.

It wasn´t until hours later at the weekly teacher´s meeting that my boss looked at me and said, ‘What´s wrong with your hair?’ and I had no answer because I didn´t

Yeah, I have that one as well and I am fair complected, so I also get that orange tone if I don´t balance it out. I bought the 3-piece Mineral Wear kit from Physician´s Formula, which comes with a compact (orangish) and the kabuki-brush madness you´re talking about, along with a similarly orange-umber sort of blush.


My mother calls me Gertie Mae, Gertie, or sometimes, for no reason at all, Dirty Gert (when I was a child, it signaled bath time).

The reason is because when I was at the factory being assembled, my 4-year-old brother asked what I would be named. My mother blurted out the worst name she could think of, Gertrude Mae,

I hate this whole issue. In general, and in my experience, most people are extremely touchy about their age in the United States. “Ma´am” and “sir” used to be a simple gesture of respect in situations such as customer service work, but then we get brushed aside for using it. “Oh, no, don´t call me ma´am! I sound so

It could also be a comfort/coping thing. Kids respond instinctively to being taken care of, even if they´re old enough to take care of it themselves.

1. If you want anything to improve in the world when someone asks a question you shouldn’t belittle them by implying they’re not genuine. That’s all anyone around here does.

While you have a point, you should also be able to understand objectively that on this site, specifically, and in general, topics like these

Yeah, that could be. I hate that idea thoroughly, of course, because I see her for what she is now and don´t want to be like her, but I know that I am.

That sucks to have to go through, but I really admire you for speaking up. The people who do these kinds of things seem to rely on the fact that you´re polite and won´t speak up for that kind of unfairness. I never did find my voice when it came to my mother.

I don´t know too much about it, but I have been on a couple of Reddit boards for people with no-contact or limited-contact relationships with parents because of abuse and, I gotta say, a lot of the stories sounded familiar.

Right now I do best when I have little contact with my mother in person. That´s when it´s worst.

Oh, ouch. I think it might have been an actual source of shame when I got HPV, so as far as I know she didn´t tell anyone. (She was also deeply worried - it took a long time to get proper medical information about how serious the abnormal cells were, and she cried because she was worried I might actually have

Oh, man. I feel better knowing I´m not the only one. I´m sorry you had to go through that.

I think what bugs me about this kind of thing is that a mom should know, being an adult, that there is nothing a girl gets judged on faster than her sexual experience (or lack thereof) so maybe spilling the details to the Geek

Mine didn´t tell people I was a virgin, but she was definitely into telling people I was a whore. The summer before my sophomore year in college, I moved in with my boyfriend of two years. A neighbor came over to visit my mom and my mom was yammering on and on about my plans with my boyfriend. For some reason, I made

I thought of something to say in this thread, but then I read the stories and thought, ‘Oh. So these are kind of charming or heartwarming things that seemed super embarrassing at the time.” That was not my childhood.

Although the mom above who told the Best Buy employee her daughter was a virgin seems fairly horrible,

I thought of something to say in this thread, but then I read the stories and thought, ‘Oh. So these are kind of charming or heartwarming things that seemed super embarrassing at the time.” That was not my childhood.

Although the mom above who told the Best Buy employee her daughter was a virgin seems fairly horrible,

I always thought the “strange wartime jingle” with Gene Kelly was Kelly´s character remembering his own muse, who eventually left him and caused him to fall to has-been status. If that´s true, then the implication is that Kira was also his muse in the 1940s, but doesn´t remember him. Or possibly, she was his muse then

I get that the purpose of the article was to slam women profiting from archaic definitions of beauty (isn´t the entire beauty industry doing so?), but actually what bothered me most was this comment:

I found this title misleading. I thought that it meant that she forgave her husband for his tragic mistake in the first statement she made after her ordeal, but that her injuries were going to cause her death or something.

Yeah, I gotta say, he strikes me as the weakest link of the known actors who are in this. He just seems whiney and childish from the short bits we see here. Perhaps they just put those in for comic relief and he´ll have something more to offer in the movie, but I´m not impressed. Before I saw this, I had no opinion of