
Uh-oh. I´m gonna get myself in trouble. :) They are a clean bunch, yes, and my mans does shower thoroughly in those situations. He´s just a little more lazy at home.

Yes, but that´s what the other poster was telling you. It´s not easy. You aren´t required to care, but you could at least acknowledge the other person´s experiences. And it´s not my job to teach your children to care about other people, no. It has to start at home.

I know, right? He does like to take a book in there, and I know sometimes he just gets really into his book. So I don´t think it regularly takes him that long, but I have noticed it once or twice...

I just don´t really get that part of it because after a while, I find sitting on the can uncomfortable. I´d wanna read in

Yes. I actually use them, but he seems to think I´m overly fastidious in my personal habits. (I´m American, he´s Icelandic.) ... This is probably going to give you all a bad impression. He´s not one of THOSE Europeans so popular with mediocre stand-up comedians. He is clean and delightful to stand next to in an

Rumpy Pumpy. I love this. I love you for using it. I know it´s British slang, but I can´t help think it sounds like the newest member of the Fraggle Rock cast every time I hear it.

Oh, my! I had also never heard those rumors! I do like Bradley Cooper. Limitless was entertaining action crap.

Wow. What an awful thing to say. You´re creating a problem for someone else (which is why gum is banned in some schools I have worked at - it´s a pervasive, endless, germy issue for students who touch gum-crusted desks, and teachers and custodians who have to deal with the problem in various ways) and instead of

I too am mystified. My husband and I keep it pretty real and we live in a small apartment with 1 even smaller bathroom, so ... I´ve seen some shit, literally and otherwise.

Hugely put off not only because Kimye is again in the news, but the .gif makes it look like they are doin´ it and doin´ it well. UGH. Thank you for putting that in my head.

This is such a polarizing issue for me. On one hand, I totally understand what missyfisticuffs is saying about the apparent objectification of an elderly, ill woman. Just from the clips I see here, she seems to be interacting with the camera in a way that is intimate, because she´s thinking of her grandson behind it.

We definitely weren´t. If you wanted dinner, you went somewhere beforehand. The Prom was a slightly more fancy version of a school dance, for the sole reason that it was held at the local Civic Center rather than the school gym. There were still silver paper stars hanging cheaply from the ceiling of a bare conference

This article makes me sad in so many ways. First, that the author felt this strongly about it to pen a whole article about something NO ONE SHOULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT.

Oh, my god, are you my husband?


Ok, what?

Thank you. I agree, this stuff is very funny and/or sexy (since the comments seem to be going one way or the other) ... but it did make me uncomfortable.

... 2005? Honestly? Wow.

That is so irritating. Female orgasm has great benefits to conception. Seeing as sex is supposed to be all about making babies (at least in SOME part of the world), you´d think somebody would pay attention sooner than 2005.

Could be a cultural thing, definitely.

Ha. Possibly. He seemed very earnest, though. ... But, you know, I will take 'He´s just not that into you,' or 'He´s grossed out like a teenager at a few drops of blood,' over 'This is what this jackass actually thinks.'

Oh, my god, YES. I remember the first time I went, I was 18, and my mother made the appointment for me because I had no idea what I was doing.