
Fair enough. I think it´s considered an epic burn (or at least an awesome one) because most of us ladies have heard judgemental comments from men (boys) about being able to tell how many sex partners a woman has had by looking at a woman´s labia or other bits.

Oh, my god. Don´t get me started on men and their misconceptions about lady bits. I once was told by a doctor. A DOCTOR. Who was 34 years old. Mid-gettin´ down. That we couldn´t go ahead and have sex because I´d unfortunately started my period.

That is really disgusting. I hadn´t seen that one, and I was really upset when I did. Ugh. Just ugh.

I totally see your point and I agree that by FAR the majority of men use it this way.

Stacey was my favorite because she had something that made her DIFFERENT (the diabetes) and I´m handi-capable myself, so I related. She was also from New York, and I desperately wished I was from anywhere besides Illinois.

God, THANK you.

Right on, sister. I´m also a teacher.

Yeah, I don´t have one - we didn´t do any kind of traditional union and I got married in front of a city clerk wearing jeans under his robe. I wear a wedding ring, but it doesn´t look like a wedding band at all.

I also can´t see it enough to read the text clearly, even after clicking on it, zooming in, or choosing Expand in the upper right-hand portion of the image. I can see the photos and get the gist, but not read the text to find out the name of the exercise so I can look it up.

Ah, ok. Interesting. Did not know that.

Wow. That song can be a challenge because of the pacing and the high notes, but she made it look like she was waiting for a pizza to come out of the oven. Effortless!

Real Story: (a free and terrible BDSM dating site) - the funny thing is, I think he was just experimenting with something different by being on the site; our sex life is not the stuff of porn.

Well, strictly speaking, that´s what it is. We have lactobacillus bacteria in our junk that keeps things on the up and up, so to speak. We also have small amounts of other things, like candida (of the yeast infections). Usually these bacteria balance each other out.

Gonebaby wrote the most diabolically complete criticism of this entire farce (read it!) but what really got to me about this article was this:

Wow. That. Is awesome.

My God. Thank you for sharing this.

Sending out messages IS a pain in the ass.

Sweet Enola Gay!

I just don´t see this meaning to say that Lena is unattractive. It just seems to me that he´s asking why she, in particular, is more often naked than her co-stars when it seems to serve no purpose on the show.

Yeesh. You want ups and downs, I got yer ups and downs right here.