Pros: My face hurts from smiling.
Pros: My face hurts from smiling.
We could band together and start another World War to keep ourselves occupied in the meantime.
Or keep Poland occupied, as the case may be.
If Koenigsegg’s doors don’t count as new designs because they’re just a variant on the scissor door, then doors which are just a variant on the minivan door aren’t remotely ‘truly new’ either.
Seriously man, before you hit ‘publish’ just read your message back to yourself. If it doesn’t make sense, rewrite.
It’s a Wailozenge.
There are lots of online options, and I’m only talking about the legal ones. None of them send you threatening letters when you buy home hardware.
In my case it actually is a PC monitor.
Over here in Britain, every new TV you buy is jumped on as a new, separate BBC License Fee you should pay, even if it’s a replacement for a broken one and/or not going to be used as a TV at all. I learned this because they’re still bugging me to pay for my ‘second TV’ when the…
I plug my consoles into the PC monitor.
Shutting down Gawker only metastasised it throughout the entire company. It’s like badly popping a zit; The puss is just forced under the skin, where it can fester and grow.
From what I understand, you can’t trade ‘backwards’ to older games, only ‘forwards’ to Sun and Moon. Therefore the conundrum of what’d happen to Alolan forms in previous games won’t arise. The leaks very reliably show that the older forms still exist, so a Vulpix you traded ‘forward’ would remain a normal Vulpix and…
Meanwhile, the Empire’s new Very Lovely Happy Fun Sphere will be visiting your planet to discuss this seditious nonsense you’re spreading about a ‘Rebellion’.
Ah, I see. I’d never heard of the iQue, or that OoT was officially ported to it, so I didn’t have the full picture. Thanks once again.
Thank you for explaining the distinction. So, when it comes to human runs (I’m sure that’s not the term), nobody cares about that factor?
Apparently I gave the impression that I was judging this run as worthless. I wasn’t. In fact, I said I loved it. I was also commenting on the fact that I’ve seen original-console runs be given more weight inside the community, and I said that was a shame.
I understand that, but there’s a reason that websites like TAS-video have a special tag for ‘Console Verified’, isn’t there? It’s because it’s seen as important (Yes, I’m aware that this article isn’t about a TAS, but the point remains).
Ah, so it doesn’t work on a real N64? That’s a shame, because - with my admittedly very limited knowledge of Speedrunning culture - a run hasn’t really ‘made it’ unless it can be done on the original console.
I still love it, though. Learning how the games are put together is fascinating. The object manipulation sounds…
“Tough grass isn’t very nutritious or plentiful, better not make too many of us or we’ll outstrip our food supply.”