
I asked them that on their official Twitter about two weeks ago, and got no reply. Maybe they’ll be more open to answering questions now the big debut is over?

Please do! I’d like to see it.

Nah, it’s only comic book Tony who’s a butthead.

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind!

Oh, great. Now I’m going to sit on the bloody things until the game’s over.

The explosion is also a Transformer.

They work very well, thanks for asking.

Hmm... What should I spend a cool grand on, this or a non-firing replica of the Blade Runner gun?

I can fap to both of them, so that’s not a tie breaker, I’m afraid.

This’ll probably be an unpopular opinion, but I’m so burned out on franchises that at this point I’d really prefer that EoT stayed as a brilliant one-off. It doesn’t need expanding, it ends pretty much perfectly.

At this point if your expectations for any part of the Alien franchise aren’t nailed to the floor, you’re practically begging to be disappointed.

At this point, Thor’s Hammer does whatever the story requires of it.

Bethesda sometimes make good games, but at a business level, they’re utter shitheels.

Ah, the first photo from the set of the Duel remake.

Seriously, I know that they want to keep the details under wraps and it’s too big to artfully drape a white sheet over, but when I look at that looming, shadowy figure all I can think is “RUN. IT IS HERE FOR YOUR SOUL!”

Puppy dogs don’t have anything on these eyes.

The only problem I have with this article is that I don’t agree that all these animals are hideous. Otherwise, I agree that I’d love and hug and pet and call all of these George- well, not Mr. Blobby, he already has a name. It’s Mr. Blobby.

I think you meant that post for the guy above me.
Edit: Now you mean it for me!

In the spare compartment in the trunk of the car [were] two black garbage bags. Inside the two grabage bags were two large Saran-wrapped blocks. Under the Saran wrap was a tar-like substance, and coffee grounds. Under that was a layer of tin foil. Inside the tin foil was a green leafy substance I suspected to be

At first glance, I thought that was Wesker wearing purple.

I want him to come back. I know his time has been and gone, but I wasn’t completely, globally saturated yet.

He considered it relevant because you said Prey 2. That implies that you specifically expected a sequel.

You’re not wrong. I actually unironically liked Infinite Warfare, the first CoD game I’ve liked since Black Ops 1, but I still had to laugh at the usual “Hello, I am a special guest star! Here’s my stock personality and my token one-level character arc!” *Bang, thud* Oh, the horrors of war, the humanity, etc.