$kay, I’m having a molar taken out in half an hour and you’ve given me something pleasant to think about. So thanks mightily!
$kay, I’m having a molar taken out in half an hour and you’ve given me something pleasant to think about. So thanks mightily!
I think she’s the one on the far right.
She doesn’t have to GTFO.
I see a blue and black dress that someone’s painted onto their legs.
He’s designing things Han Solo. Only they actually are pieces of junk.
Gotta get that Buffalo Armor DLC!
Granted, but ‘gorgeous’ isn’t what I base my game purchases on any more.
Pokemon S&M on Switch confirmed?
Ridiculous typo. Everyone knows that he’s actually the Dogna8e’ fih ba sknbe$.
Anyway, I’ve unexpectedly ended up on team Popplio after the little seal being on the bottom of my list. Rowlet was my favourite, then Dartrix torpedoed that, and Brionne was such an improvement that it changed my mind. Litten... Well, I have a personally bad history with cats. I’m instantly predjudiced there.
I thought that they always shiny-locked the starters.
Reading these comments, I imagine that most of the people here would love that idea.
You expect Americans to know American history?
Definitely don’t pair it with a Samsung, unless you want your Geely to become a Pinto.
Two outdated jokes for the price of one!
When we hit 88 replies in this thread they’re going to see some serious shitposting.
It just goes to show that what really separates a winner from a loser is motivation.
That sounded more fauxlosophical than I wanted it to. Mediocre joke goes... Here.
Oh, you do, and I’m being petty about you being petty. We’re engaging in recursive pettiness.