
Why’s this being reblogged everywhere now? It’s been a month.

I can’t wait that long. 2016's article needs an edit.

Might want to wait a few more weeks, though, in case God decides to pull a hat trick and drops a meteor on their stadium or something.

Yeah, ‘car clips something, falls from great height, lands on wheels’ is a stunt that GTAV videos have been made about for three years now. In fact, it’s less impressive than ever now that you can build a structure specifically to make it possible, when previously they had to find inventive ways to use the terrain in

Damnit, I was hoping that ‘The Tonight Show Games’ was like the Hunger Games only with late night TV show hosts and guests as the contestants.

Interesting premise that’s also a handy way to save the budget on character modelling.

I’ll give her any support she needs. And it looks like she needs quite a bit.

Well well. How do I put this... No. Fuck off.

Hey, I wonder why they didn’t call this ‘The Director’s Cut’? Hmmm...

Serious question here: Why are they the Bengals? Obviously they wanted to be the Cincinnati Bengal Tigers, so why didn’t they go with the Cincinnati Tigers? ‘Bengal’ actually has a distinct meaning, a part of the Indian subcontinent divided between India and Bangladesh. So what they’re actually calling themselves is

Does she need a Baby On Board sticker? If not, I’d be happy to help her with that.

Titan’s will recharge their dashes faster and things like wall running and air speed are seeing unspecified tweaks.

I chose the ‘give me a satisfyingly completed story’ difficulty, which means, based on every review I’ve seen, that I’m waiting for the it to be bundled with the sequel- and quite possibly the sequel to that as well.

Here you go.

I was just thinking about this article yesterday and wondering how to search for it. What splendid serendipity!

There’s also the other way that Undertale plays with asking for your name, but I’d still probably be strung up by a lynch mob for spoiling that, wouldn’t I?

Yeah. If it was still an unvoiced game- like FF1-9 -it wouldn’t matter because they could just drop the name into the text, like they used to. None of the solutions that’re used now - like the Modern Bioware ‘(Name) Shepard/Hawke’ method - had been invented yet, but still, simply never saying the main character’s name

In this case, it breeds moose.

Ah. Right! Well, I’ll wait until the ‘trilogy’ is complete, then.

I’ve been burned by that kind of shit too many times to fall for it again.

All I want to know is, in the vaguest possible terms, is the ending better than Human Revolution’s?

It felt like a really great game had to compromise itself in order to be a prequel, and to live up to an unspoken obligation to have multiple philosophical endings, and it really bumped the score down for me.

No wonder it wasn’t diagnosed, what with being in the rarely understood armpit-lung.

Can I get a version that’s ribbed for her pleasure?