That’s good to hear; I’d been worrying that it was some Amazon-style computerised nightmare.
That’s good to hear; I’d been worrying that it was some Amazon-style computerised nightmare.
Do you also have the same top-notch bear in your backyard?
I have been blind my entire life but at last I see the light!
Metaphorically, at least. I can see pretty well under most conditions.
I don’t like dust. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets into everything.
Ah, the new Pagani.
This is why I still prefer games that can at least function without a giant online infrastructure that’s completely out of the player’s (and payer’s) control.
It’s a good thing that his anonymity was preserved by the Large White Plastic Disc. He must work in secret, in silence, for the good of us all.
I’m a proud Gull-American and I’m deeply offended by the new branding.
I caved in, but a friend of mine will be very happy to see the notification go away.
It will, right? If they leave it there, that’d be horrendous.
This is the first time since its introduction that the full-screen header image has seemed appropriate to me; It’s the only way to do that place justice.
They can’t speak to him over distance, that’ll net them a penalty.
She needs to do up her zipple. No! Tweak her nipper! Argh, why do I always do this?!
While you’re there, try the Spotted Dick.
It’s that or the neon billboard on the roof that reads “I am a tasteless douchebag who would have more money than brain cells even if I was broke”.
Besides, that option messes with the aerodynamics.
Nobody knows, I suppose.
December of 1988 represent! ;)
First step, connect your controller.
(The other side of what? That sounds morbid.)
This news isn’t on Kotaku UK and the UK version of Microsoft’s official store doesn’t have the consoles listed, while the US version does. Is there any info as to whether this is just a delay, or is the UK not getting these bundles at all?