Do any of those points cover ‘check to make sure that it really does have airbags when they say it does’? Because that’s advice I would’ve loved about fifteen years ago.
Do any of those points cover ‘check to make sure that it really does have airbags when they say it does’? Because that’s advice I would’ve loved about fifteen years ago.
Use a spoon that’s the size of a bowl, thereby killing two birds with one stone. Then eat them too; Birds are an excellent source of protein.
Impossible. He doesn’t own a football team.
An instant improvement.
They’re only ballin’ if they haven’t been to the vet.
Colin Mochrie should sue.
It’s the same policy that Games Workshop’s been pursuing with their books, as well. Quantity can sometimes be a quality of its own, but I defy anyone to come up with an up-to-date reading order for the Horus Heresy series, with its 34 completely necessary books, billions of short stories and limited edition novellas,…
There’s also an important lesson here for current and future Tesla owners—the kids should be safe in the path of your car, but just remember not to leave the toolbox out on the garage floor.
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS. Man, I am sucking at it!
Christ, they’re bringing the pre-ordering nonsense to the movies. Will I have to check in my ticket via Uplay?
“No worries. She’ll be right.”
- My countrymen
Wait and find out.
For my family Bugatti, the question that matters to me is if it can comfortably fit a large, lanky, drooling dog in the back, and if there’s an option to have the headrests (or in our case, canine chinrests) of the rear seats ‘pre-ruined’ and covered in the finest designer fur and spittle money can buy.
Peyton’s neck is fucked, and he was still moderately effective occasionally last year.
It’s like the emergency pull cord for if you get trapped in the trunk, except this way you can proactively drive yourself towards someone who can help you.
I always assumed that people out there were doing it in enough numbers to make it a lucrative policy, for the fairly obvious reason that if it didn’t work, they wouldn’t do it.
/Sees headline
/Writes down ‘integer underflow’ on a piece of paper
/Reads article
Yay! I already knew a piece of trivia! My life is complete.
Scooby will make America’s butt smell great again.