
Ah, I was wondering why you had Gov. William J. Le Petomane on your staff.

I’d be okay with another MGR, but MGS? Yeah, it’s done at this point.

It’s a shame they had to peel off the Kazakhstani return address to get to the serial number. It’d really have helped us narrow down which private airstrip in the Urals the rest of the plane is at.

No worries. It’s tricky to get that sort of thing across via text alone.

“You people”?

Where the fuck did you get that from? I agreed with you!

True, true. It reads very much like an excuse for the fanservice rather than a reason for it.

For someone who understands the American justice system better than I do, how many appeals could this go to, maximum? How long would that take, roughly?

It’s a little bit more than just ‘breathes through her skin’. Third-degree burns and a treatment that leaves you unable to talk or you’ll die.

Oh God, all those horns sounded like that fucking Duck Army Vine!

Rape In Peace indeed.


“I can do that.”
- NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell

“Survey: what sandwich couldn’t replace Goodell and do the same, if not better, job? Please be prepared to defend your answer.”

Diablo 3 makes the list over Diablo 2? Did it miss out on a technicality or what?

“Okay guys, remember to get my good side.”

“Sorry Darren, but we have to show them your face.”

I’d say he’s more of a Naked Mole Rat, but I actually find them oddly charming.

I meant in newspapers and on blogs and the like.


That was before his girlfriend started ‘having headaches’ every day she wasn’t there.

Ever since Van Gaal was announced I’ve been saying to myself “so he has ten months to prove himself then he’s out the door like a dog who’s just started to make ominous retching noises, right? Right? Of course not.”

With shitshows like this, I have to wonder how long it is until pro-Moyes retrospectives start to crop