Secondhand News

Noble M400. People keep saying they're a kit car that has better road manners than most sports cars, but you can put that to the test. Quite a few on ebay within budget.

This is a time when cops should be allow to use their push bars. Hope they catch these ass hats.

Magnificent doesn't cover it very well but it is the best I have foe now...

If we're really being honest, we all know which super power would get the biggest workout.

meh, Audi still doesn't offer the A1 in the US. Don't waste your money people.

Good lord you guys are lazy writers or just generally hateful towards hipsters. Audi has never used that word, you guys have. They've been successful with the car and the marketing apparently...and still the snarky hate. We get it, you guys are way more clever and hipsters are oh so stupid. Can we please get an

Let's see, 94 replies has anyone in this thread actually driven one? I'll do you one better – paid invoice for an A3 2.0 Premium w/Cold Weather, roughly 32.5K after returning a loaded E90 335xi that stickered for 56K, and before that, an E90 328xi. Is the A3 a great car like the E90? No. Is it a dog like the F30 and

I'm still waiting for the S3

Well, youths are notorious for being full of shit, too. That being said, Audi makes a nice car, even for those buying it for the wrong reasons.

It's a hit with the non-youths too — about 75% of buyers are over 30.

Real men don't give a shit if other dudes want to wear make up. Who cares.

Thank you to Raphael for giving consideration to how Chase was referred to in the article. I am trans myself and am grateful whenever I see this. In the future might I suggest, in situations where they do not identify either way, you use the singular "they"?

Sorry, kid. I wish that I could say that this would be the last time you had to deal with bigoted assholes, but life's a bitch and so is the DMV. Keep on keepin' on.

Yes, this is one of many issues for trans people, especially with passports.

"They said he was wearing a disguise," Chase's mother told local WYFF4 News. (It's not clear whether Chase self-identifies as male or female, but the story and Chase's mom use masculine pronouns.)

What of people who change hairstyles, go bald, shave off or grow beards, gain or lose a good amount of weight, hell, even AGE?

WTF does it matter if he is transgender or not?! If a women is allowed to wear make-up then a man is also regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Fuck lets get to the point here, it isn't about who you love or identify as. It is the fact that you are different and close minded fools can't handle that. South

I totally agree!

Given that he will always be seen with makeup on, NOT wearing the makeup is actually more of a "disguise."

I'm okay with this... provided they make everyone else take off their make-up, too. Oh, and anyone wearing a wig or toupee needs to remove those.