Secondhand News

I hate that people assume that cyclists must be "greenie types". I cycle to work. I also work for an oil company that specializes in fracking. The cycling is to keep the stress and pot belly at bay.

Does riding a bike make you a greenie type? Ignorance at its finest!

Crackpipe. This one is $1,499 cheaper.

That will teach you to date a red head!

Don't forget the WRC is in Italy as well!

Taking a step back, I think Group B is one of the best formats for motor racing. Formats like Formula 1 are high-profile but they're almost completely abstracted from normal cars. NASCAR certainly isn't "stock". And so on. But Group B? These still have the DNA of real mass-market cars - more than just silhouette

...especially at this price

Wait, so this guy, who's job it is to (I assume) stalk other peoples rides, decides to literally harass someone and videotape them without their permission, then gets upset and STREET RACES to catch up to them so he can film them at a gas station or something?

I would very literally kill for this thing.

It pains me to vote CP. I love the Audi wagons, but between the title issues, the not so matching paint match and the improper radio of snails to RS bodywork, CP is right where it belongs.

No AWD no care.

My first car was a 2006 CTS, the guy who sold it to me, Phil Carrington, was the hands down best sales person I have ever come across. Whether it is a car salesman, or the retail kid at the mall.

Ken Block always looks happy. I think this guy just has life all figured out.

He's probably better than 100% of the people that hate on him, if only because the only people that are better than him are world-class rally drivers, and they know enough to respect the guy.

Ken Block is an extremely great guy, and there are plenty of stories from the world of motorsport to back that up. Shame that people hating you for no reason is just part of being in the public eye.

I just want to give a big F U to everyone hating on Ken Block. Anyone who is trying to grow interest in US Rally racing should be shown some respect. This attitude is a large part of why the US does not have a more diverse field of racing events.

I don't get all of the hate of Ken Block. He is living his dream, doing what he loves. He might not be the worlds best rally car driver but he has to be better than 95% of the people that hate on him for absolutely no good reason other than he is successful. Yeah he wears DC clothes and gear, BECAUSE HE OWNS THE