Secondhand News

Be sure to let Patrick “Crash” George get his chance at being the first to leave his mark…

How about something like this...

Magnificent doesn't cover it very well but it is the best I have foe now...

I did not read all the responses but PLEASE give it AWD (I know likely a pipe dream) but one could imagine a rather entertaining ride...


But I am WAY better than you already. I follow most laws. If you don't like cyclists blowing through stop signs, let me ask you " have you EVER rolled through one (not a full and complete tires stop rolling stop) , EVER?" I know you are a liar if you say no...

As a cyclist, "Fuck You!"

I'd be down for an S1...

Works for me... Hmm... super powers are kind of,well, err, super...

I drove one before the intro shindig a while back. The intro gathering around these parts was very well attended and not many youngish (20s-early 30s) were in attendance as I am in SW Fl. Was encouraged to drive like it in any manner I chose. All the launch cars are going to be used as demo cars and loaners as I was

But is still a net gain on an already rather portly equestrian. Better looking, better engine options, IMHO. But come the heck on... Send it off for some serious and aggressive anti-lard surgery and metallurgical redesign.

All your ruminations apply to you. Piss off and go another way if you don't like it.. I will protect my ride however I can.

Jim "Pee Wee" Martin, You Rock! Thank you for your service.

The best event and as usual, the USA networks suck it by not airing it.

They play nice right up to the point they don't. There Will pe problems. Oh, lemme see, what about a asshat like the guy at Fort Hood (the Muzzie with a gun) flying remote control bombs? Doesn't that give everyone warm fuzzies? Then there are the large scale models that are ripe to become guided bomb lets. It will

Rice ain't so nice...

Pseudo journelisto wannabepaparazzi stalker/approval seeker (45 minutes + following) looking for a pat on the back from folk that can get better pix form a mfr's website getting offended when Billy Bob w/NASCAR gut gets out and borderline assualts pseudo journalisto wannabepaparazzi stalker/approval seeker for doing

Wonder how much the Armco cost to repair???

PK, You are not boring and best wishes to good fortunes on the track.

Porsche 928 meets GT40 in the front and Aston in the back end.