
I think that whole meth teeth thing is bullshit. I've been drinking Diet Dr. Pepper for 20 years and my teeth are fine. Both of them.

Wow, Chris Brown is gonna be hella disappointed when he finds out beating cancer isn't what he thinks it is.

I'm not seeing anything, getting mostly a blank page

#YOLO means that life is too short to apply to a college that asks you to write an essay about the relevance of a hashtag cliche.

I'm seeing comments along the lines of "200 people? I don't even know that many people!" Etc. I know your type. I was your type. Then you realize that, in many circumstances, the guest list also has to accommodate your parents' guests, your fiancé's guests, and your fiancé's parents' guests. Numbers get big

Even better? After coming out of the shark, he reaches back in and pulls out the girl who fell into the shark's mouth from a helicopter 10 minutes before. Same shark! THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

I'd like to be the first to nominate Malala as PRESIDENT OF EVERYTHING. She's amazing, inspiring, and lovely.

This young woman has more bravery in her little pinky than I have anywhere in my body. She is bad ass.

Damn that girl is amazing.

Good lord. I know genetics are crazy, but how did they have their daughters come out as a perfect clone of each of them? I thought that was Obama hugging Sasha until I saw the caption (and the cars).

They are so cute!

Good to know he's always rocked the Dad Jeans!

I remember going there as a kid (around 7 years old) with my dad, who thought he was clever - trying to get the gorillas to flip people off. Instead he got heaps of feces thrown in his direction. Turns out, they knew he was a jackass far earlier than the rest of us.

Someone throw her on the barbecue grill.

This is why my generation had to take a lot of drugs during our teen years.

Okay, but a little knit cap would be way cuter. Also, washable. You know, for the environment.

Annnnnd this would be the perfect time to share the age old man jingle... Passed down from father to son.

My thoughts are that the surely underpaid janitor just added soap and water and cleaned the floors with Biebs piss.