
That face.

"Please consult a Doctor before attempting."

So was I...

I really don't know, but they are. They just are.


Have I ever told you that all of my pictures of him are saved in a file entitled "The Love of my Life?"


Join usssss...

Oh god, I'd be terrified to dive in. I'm scared of confrontation online, ESPECIALLY on the subject of religion. I was glad to see someone challenging them, though.

Apparently I was abused as a child. Who knew?

Yeah, I am legitimately upset by this. I've loved him for years.

I actually usually don't but for some reason I watched this one.

Ugh, yeah — I love His Dark Materials but Pullman himself is kind of an ass. I hate when that happens.

The idea that people who are religious just haven't ever thought about this shit rationally enough, or are lying to themselves, is just so condescending.


I'm just too much of a literary pedant for these. :-/

I guess that could make sense if you disregard almost everything about the book. (ETA: I realize I am pointlessly expecting much too much from a line of dolls.)

Likewise, I'm bothered by the fact that they have "Jackson Jekyll," whose parents are "Mr. and Mrs. Jekyll," and "Holt Hyde," whose parents are "Mr. and Mrs. Hyde." JEKYLL AND HYDE ARE THE SAME PERSON.